

Travel Is the Best Way to Chase Away Those Economy Worries
Is the bad economy scaring you into cutting back on your travel plans? Will you feel better about it by mumbling and grumbling around the house? It would make a lot more sense to forget your problems aboard a warm tropical cruise. Or a New York City theater tour. Or by enjoying the glitz and glamor of Las Vegas. Or by digging your toes into some sand and surf on Miami Beach.

Air Travel; Why Are People Booted Off Flights? PDF Print E-mail

Q: We’re not frequent flyers, but we plan some frequent air travels this season. We’ve been reading about people being taken off flights for various reasons. We’d like to make our trip as smooth as possible, and can use some hints about why it happens and how to avoid it.

A: First of all, we certainly understand that no one is thrilled about the inconveniences of air travel today. For many of us, the ordeal of going through security is unpleasant and often too personal. However, that’s the way it is, and to accept it voluntarily without causing trouble is the only way to survive and make your flight.   

Understand that those who won’t follow the rules can get in trouble. In our experience, a sure way to be booted is to joke with airline employees about terrorism. For various reasons, thoughtless travelers believe it will ease tensions if they make funny remarks about bombs and hijacking. That could not only get them the boot, it could get them a jail cell.

Another way is to act stubborn about instructions. When you’re told to do something, it’s for a reason. Know the rules, and comply as quickly as you can. Schedules must be kept and people are waiting. Most employees on flights and in airports are courteous, but whatever you’re told needs to be done, do it quickly and keep moving.

There have also been booting incidents of passengers who insist on taking their hostility with them. Excessive cursing overdone caressing, offensive clothing, misbehaving children and other disruptive actions can make you miss your flight.    

Flying these days already has more than enough stress and anxiety. Don’t add to it by thoughtless behavior that could earn you the boot.

Rome, Italy: Gladiator Theme Park Planned PDF Print E-mail

After 2,000 or so years, gladiators may soon start hacking away at each other again in a Disney-like Circus Maximus. A theme park reported to be called Romaland is being planned for the Italian capital city.

The new tourist attraction is expected to contain many of the ancient features. In addition to gladiator fights, there will be chariot races, legionaires and other reminders of the glory that was Rome.

While all the theme activities haven’t yet been announced, we can assume that no Christians will be fed to the lions, nor fiddling emperors nor Vestal Virgins sacrificed at Romaland.

Flight Delays: How to Pass The Hours PDF Print E-mail

Waiting in the airport to catch your delayed flight may make you feel like old Rip Van Winkle. However, despite the frustration, there are things you can do to make the dragging time a bit more bearable.

Sleep: Snoozing is the most relaxing way to pass the time. If the airport is crowded, you may not find much bench room. Look for an out-of-the way hallway and stretch out. If you’re a frequent flyer who endures frequent delays, carry a backpack containing a blanket, hoodie and a body-sized inflatable pad.

Crossword Puzzles: One of the best ways to pass the time is to have a paperback of puzzles. Find a quiet, well-lit bench or wall and concentrate on the little squares.

Electronic buddies: Keep your laptop, cellphone or other electronics charged up or find a charging station in the airport waiting area. Watch TV, DVDs, do work, read an Ebook, Tweet, phone home and do other chores to pass the time.

Nibble and shop around: If restaurants and shops are still open, leisurely take a tour to pass the time. Get won ton soup at one place, spaghetti at another and frosted cupcakes at a third one. If there’s duty-free shop, consider ordering bargain stuff to be sent home or as gifts for friends and family.

If the delay is overnight: Ask airport employees for nearby hotel suggestions. They live and work in the neighborhood, and should know the better and closer properties. For long delays, some airlines will give discounted or free hotel and/or food vouchers, so always ask before you spend your own money.

The Pierre, NYC: Different Kind of Facebooking PDF Print E-mail

The famed Pierre Hotel in Manhattan is an expensive place to spend the night. We were there for a recent business meeting and the basic nightly rate was $550. Happy the company paid for it, and we wouldn’t do it for the Pierre’s latest promotion.

Think Cher, Joan Rivers, Rosanne, Madonna, Mickey Rourke, Kenny Rogers, Tori Spelling, Hulk Hogan and others who’ve had their aging faces and other sagging body parts rebuilt. That’s what the Pierre is offering those who can afford booking such uplifting services.

Clients can now check in anonymously and get plastic surgery from high-priced Manhattan surgeons, and then spend some time in private, luxurious recovery. If you have to ask what the whole package costs, you can’t afford it. Anyhow, a price quote would only make your face fall in shock. For more information, go to tajhotels.com/pierre

Airport Security: Don’t flash loose money! PDF Print E-mail

Recently, two elderly passengers in wheelchairs were targeted to go through a more thorough search at the Detroit airport security check-in. In addition to having to remove shoes, coats and belts, they were required to empty all pockets, bags and wallets. The guards then carefully examined each item and finally allowed the couple to board.

It was then when the husband noticed $400 was missing from his wallet. He reported it, but the security manager denied it had happened. There are lessons to be learned by what those seniors experienced.

1. If at all possible, if you’re both in wheelchairs, travel with a companion. If a detailed security check is required, that person can be a watchdog on everything that happens. While incidents of theft by security personnel is extremely rare, helpless seniors can be tempting targets for theft.


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