

Amtrac Charge$ For Pa$$enger$ With Lot$a Luggage

It had to happen, and just at the time of year when train passengers are lugging more luggage, holiday gifts and other heavy stuff. With airline add-on costs ever rising into the upper atmosphere, it was only a matter of time before Amtrac got in on the racket.

Therefore, if you drag heavy bags aboard a train, you may expect a conductor or other eagle-eyed employee will nab you for extra charges. The current rule for free luggage is that each passenger may take two personal items that weigh up to 25 pounds each, as well as two carry-on bags that may weigh up to 50 pounds each.

London: Dine & Listen in Creepy Church Crypt PDF Print E-mail

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Anglican Church next to Trafalgar Square in England’s capital city is a great place to visit. The quiet atmosphere can provide moments of contemplation, and the artifacts and architecture in the 17th Century structure are impressive.

For centuries, deceased parishioners have been laid to rest in the crypt below the church floor. However, their rest is accompanied these days by the sounds of music and people enjoying healthy meals in the Cafe in the Crypt.

The bustling underground restaurant is busy every day, starting off with prayers, then breakfast and lunch. This is followed by dinners accompanied by live performers of music ranging from jazz to hymnal. Each day ends with another prayer.

The Cafe in the Crypt serves typical English fare, including fish and chips every Friday and Sunday roast beef dinners. For more information, go to stmartin-in-the-fields.org

Europe River Cruises: 4 New Ships Offer More Luxury PDF Print E-mail

The European river cruise line Viking just launched four new ships in Amsterdam. They will sail along the Rhine, Main and Danube.

Viking calls them Longships, because among the 250 cabins will be larger and more luxurious suites. Passengers who book them will be sailing in two-room apartments with extensive balconies for viewing the passing European scenery. Ancient Norse Viking sailing vessels that explored as far west as America were called longships.

For more information, consult your favorite online or hometown travel agency, or go to www.vikingrivercruises.com/OfficialSite

T&L: America’s Rudest Cities for Visitors PDF Print E-mail

According to a recent Travel&Leisure Magazine article, the five cities in the U.S. where citizens are not too cordial to tourists are:

1. Los Angeles: That’ll be another $10 for your waiter, 'cause he really needs the dough. He came out here from Podunk to become a big movie star. He ain’t quite made it yet, but your contribution will keep him going a little longer before he has to go back home.

2. New York: Hey, I’m walkin’ here! You think you own the sidewalk or sumpin’? This is my Noo Yawk! Get outa my face, tourist! But first unload your wallet!

3. Philadelphia: Who sez Philly is the City of Brotherly Love? I don’t even like my sister, so pay for your hoagie and scram outa here!

4. Miami: Yeah, it ain’t the heat, it’s the humidity. I know we raised the prices on rooms at our dumpy hotel 200 percent, but ya know, it’s the season. And down here, the season is from January 1 to December 31.

5. Washington DC: Don’t ask me where the Lincoln Memorial is. Go find it yerself, tourist. I’m busy lobbying Congress to get a billion or so to keep my bank from going broke and to pay off more execs with huge cash bonuses.

Just kiddin’. We totally disagree with the listing, and have always found those cities welcoming to tourists with courtesy, great bargains and wonderful experiences.

Hotel safety: Always follow simple rules PDF Print E-mail

Q: After many years working near home, this season my job will require a lot of traveling. I look forward to seeing new places, but am concerned about hotels. I’ve heard a lot of horror stories about dirty and unsafe hotel rooms. What can I do to ease my fears?

Jeanne K., Milwaukee WI

A: Personal security should be your first priority, and a few simple precautions will keep you safe in your hotel. Don’t ride elevators alone nor go to the hotel garage after midnight. Ask a hotel guard to go with you.

Don’t open your hotel room door for anyone you don’t know. If it’s a hotel employee outside, phone check with the front desk before you let anyone in. When in the room, lock the door both with the bolt and security bar. If you don’t want the maid to come in, always hang the DO NOT DISTURB sign outside your door.

When going into your room, note the sign showing emergency exits. Also check to be sure the smoke detector is operating.

For cleanliness, if your room doesn’t look absolutely clean when you enter, call the desk and demand another one. Even with clean rooms, some frequent travelers carry small cans of Lysol or other disinfectant to spray all bathroom fixtures.

Good luck in your new job!

El Capitan in Yosemite National Park CA PDF Print E-mail

When viewing this magnificent rock formation in California, you can almost hear Sousa's U.S. Marine Corps Band blaring out the march music John Philip dedicated to El Capitan.


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