

Cruise ships face weighty problems: Heavier passengers

Maybe it’s the all-you-can-eat buffets aboard, but according to the U.S. Coast Guard, cruise passengers today weigh an average of 185 pounds. That’s 25 pounds heavier than those who sailed in the late 1980s.

This may seem to be just a problem for the passengers’ health, but the USCG report says it has more consequences. Larger ships with thousands of passengers may sail with 100,000 pounds of extra weight, affecting fuel costs.

Additionally, there are legal limits to the weight ships can carry, which cuts the number of paying passengers allowed on each cruise. To meet expenses and profit expectations, booking charges have to be increased.

So, if your bathroom scales show an extra 25 pounds or more, and you want to go to sea, consider knocking off the extra weight. Then maybe you can proudly call yourself a biggest cruiser loser.

Tipping Tips For The Confused Traveler PDF Print E-mail

Q: We’re sailing on our first cruise, and have done our research about clothing to take, safety rules, medications, itineraries and all other essentials. However, we’re confused about tipping. What are the general rules about gratuities for cabin stewards, spa employees, dining room staff and others who’ll be serving us?

A: The simplest way is to check at the ship’s info desk when you go aboard. You’ll get a printed list of tipping suggestions. On some cruises they make it simpler by giving you individual envelopes printed with specific tipping amounts for various staffers.

Travel Dreams: If I Won The Lottery.... PDF Print E-mail

All the recent hoopla about the biggest Mega Millions lottery payout of more than $600 millions poses a question. We asked our readers how winning millions would give them dream-of-a-lifetime travels. Here are some answers:

Juan L, Pasadena CA: I’d take 20 family members on an around-the-world cruise. From our stateroom balconies, we’d enjoy the ocean scenery as we dine on great foods and drink the best wines.

Stan R, Brooklyn NY: I’d invite ten friends and their spouses on a charter flight to Las Vegas. We’d stay in penthouse suites, go to all the shows, gamble with $1,000 bills and hit all the late night clubs.

Jeanne A, Dallas TX: I’m not a religious gal, but I’d use some of the money to go to some inner-city churches and sign up every kid there. I’d take them for a one-week all-expense-paid trip to Walt Disney World. Then, at least once a year, I’d arrange the same trip for a group of kids from other churches and city social groups.

Marie P, Scottsdale AZ: I just retired to one of the most beautiful vacation spots in the world, and I'm on a permanent vacation. So I’d give some of my lottery winnings to my children, grandkids, friends and former co-workers so they could come to my new home state. I’d arrange for them to visit Arizona’s Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, Sedona and other areas of the great U.S. Southwest.

Don’t Watch Vacation Pay Fly Away! PDF Print E-mail

Did you have to work during a recent holiday or personal vacation day? The boss insisted you were needed, so as a loyal employee, you gave away your free time to get it done right and on schedule.

However, were you required do it several times this year so far? And, as previously, will you find at the end of the year that those vacation days are lost and there’s no compensation nor carry-over to next year. If that’s your case, get smart!

Before you agree to do that extra assignment for the job either at work or at home, negotiate to get fair payment or make-up vacation days. According to a CNN Money report, last year French workers got 37 vacation days, and used 35. In England it was 28 days off with 25 actually taken. The average American worker earned a mere 18 vacation days last year, but only used 14.

If those stats were computed as four days’ income, the American worker’s loss averaged about $500. This could be money for a family travel weekend vacation to a beach resort, a mountain camping trip or several backyard leisure day barbecues.

Next time you’re required to work on holidays or vacation days, be sure you get compensated for them!

In-Air Gripes: Who’s Your Worst Fellow Traveler? PDF Print E-mail

Recently, a woman flying Southwest from Los Angeles to Houston started painting her nails. Knowing the smell is sharp, she asked passenger around her if it was OK. All agreed, but not the flight attendant. There was a ruckus and the nail-painter was arrested when the flight landed.

Even if she didn’t offend anyone in-flight, there are others who do. We asked frequent flyers who are the worst five of the worst, and these were the results.

1. Seat back pusher: The inconsiderate person in front of you who suddenly tips the seat into your tender knees or loaded lunch tray.

2. Crying kid: Overtired and overwrought, the little angel in the seat next to you screams during the entire flight. Of course, the diaper doo just adds to your misery.

3. The 300-pounder: When this enormous anatomy plops down next to you and overflows into your seat, you know you’re in for a bumpy flight.

4. The great unwashed: Your seatmate is in obvious need of a bath and mouthwash, and the fragrance drifts over to your unwilling nostrils. Inevitably, the clothing and breath smells are enhanced because this is also a heavily addicted smoker.

5. The yakking seatmate: You settle down in your squeezed space to catch a few winks, listen to music or do some iPadding. The passenger next to you needs to hear your entire family and career history. Then, you’ll be obligated to listen to that person’s long, boring tale.

If you’re a frequent flyer, we’re sure you also have your own list of the worst of the worst passengers. Of course, you’re not one of them!

Las Vegas NV: Come shoot other things than dice PDF Print E-mail

With all the negativity following the killing of a high school student by a condo guard in Florida, maybe this new Las Vegas attraction may be a bit too much for some people. However, in the spirit of tourist curiosity and fun, Machine Guns Vegas is new in Sin City.

Customers are offered machine guns, rifles and pistols to fire live ammo at targets. Employees called Gun Girls in appropriately short Vegas costumers are there to offer firing instructions and non-alcoholic drinks.

Shooters and other visitors are also guided through historic firearms displays, including those from as far back as Wyatt Earp to World War II to Rambo to the Navy Seal operation that took out the world’s most wanted terrorist. 

Of course, as in every Vegas enterprise, there’s an in-house store that sells replicas of the weapons, decorated t-shirts, fancy holsters and more. For additional info, check the MGV website at machinegunsvegas.com


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