

Emirates Official Says Windowless Airplanes In The Future

The airline’s claim is that they will be more fuel-efficient and safe from in-air glass breakage. Also, there will be fake windows that show continuous video screening of pleasant air and ground scenery.

Your travel4seniors.com editor has reservations about it. He enjoys watching the real take-off, in-air and landing scenery. Of course, if the fuel savings bring on lower ticket prices, he’s all for the fake windows.

Boston MA: Sentence Yourself To The Historic Liberty Hotel PDF Print E-mail

Formerly the Charles Street Jail, book some days and nights at the Starwood Luxury Collection Hotel. Built in 1851, the former imposing prison is now a first-class hotel and a national historic landmark. Instead of guys in striped uniforms, those confined inside these days are welcomed guests in regal surroundings, accommodations and dining.

The nearly 300 rooms and suites display the city skyline and Charles River through vintage wrought-iron window bars. Exteriors, interiors and raised catwalks where guards once strolled still entice guests to wander and sight-see the former stone buttresses. thelibertyhotel.com

Long Airport Wait? Get Some Good Exercise PDF Print E-mail

Your connecting flight is late. Or your arrival was too early and family car pick-up won’t be for another hour. Or you got to the airport hours early for your outgoing flight, you’re all checked in and boarding isn’t for another 90 minutes. Or your flight was cancelled and the next one won’t  happen for two more hours. Don’t just sit there and mope.

Get some exercise before spending hours in flight jammed into your narrow cheap seat. Walk and or jog through the airport and safe open areas outside. If you have a suitcase and/or much carry stuff, use a push cart while exercising.

Think of it as resistance training. Airports usually have lockers, so if you're facing a big delay, stash your bags for a little vigorous activity. Whatever ways you keep delayed mind and body working in the airport, it will help with physical health and mental ease.

Tourists Make Poo Poo On Peru’s Machu Picchu PDF Print E-mail

Six tourists have been arrested after they allegedly damaged stonework and defecated among the ruins at Machu Picchu. The ancient Incan hilltop city is one of South America’s most renowned tourist attractions. Authorities claim that some tourists, from Chile, Brazil, France and Argentina, sneaked into the ruins to deliberately cause the trouble.

Machu Picchu is a Unesco World Heritage site destination, and visited by more than a million tourists annually. When you're planning to visit, check online for least busy times, transportation, costs and other info. www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jan/15/tourists-to-be-deported-over-alleged-damage-defecation-at-machu-picchu

Hey, Smoker. All On You Stinks, Including Your Attitude PDF Print E-mail

I recently took a non-stop flight from JFK airport in New York to LAX Los Angeles. It was a red eye. and because there was no smoking allowed, I settled down flat in my expensive first class section seat to a pleasant all-snooze, five-hour overnight flight.

No such luck. The rumpled passenger in the nearest seat to me was obviously a heavy smoker. As with most tobacco addicts, his clothing, skin, breath, hair and everything else had the heavily obnoxious odor. I didn't get much sleep on that flight.

Advice to tobacco addict travelers: Before you fly or use other public transportation, shower, wash your hair and wear clean clothes. And if you have to wait in the airport for your flight, don’t smoke before boarding. In other words, be considerate of those who are not addicted to the stinky habit.

Warning: Airbnbs Are Economical But May Be Vulnerable PDF Print E-mail

Senior wanderers, after sightseeing, dining or shopping, sometimes find their city hotel rooms have been burglarized. It can also happen when travelers choose to stay in an airbnb private home. A recent report of one such example was in Niagara Falls NY. The couple left the home for several hours to tour the surrounding area, and when they returned they realized their valuables and smartphones had been stolen.

If you’re planning a trip where you’re booked to stay in a hotel, airbnb or other overnight destination, take sensible precautions to prevent loss of valuables. Keep them in your room safe or front desk hotel security. If you’ll be staying in an airbnb, ask for a closet there with a door that key locks for storing valuables when you’re not there.


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