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Should This Retired Woman Travel Solo? PDF Print E-mail

Q: After a 24-year Navy career, I spent another decade working in a defense job. I recently retired at 55. I’m in excellent health and plan to backpack travel. I want to do it alone, but family and friends are against it. What’s your advice? P.McJ., Boston MA

A: Our immediate reaction. With world unrest, terrorism and other troubles seeming to get worse every day, our first response is: Don’t do it! Consider joining a group backpacking trip. At least travel with another person. Enlist a friend or check with online websites that offer companion lists.

However, if you insist on going solo, be sure to follow five simple precautions.

Q: Can We Celebrate Retirement With A Cruise? PDF Print E-mail

We’re post-World War II baby boomers and are happy to join the ranks of the newly retired. We want to check off travel bucket lists by doing everything we dreamed about during our long working years. What do you suggest? PLJ, Harrisburg PA

A: Today, more than any other time in history, cruise options are almost limitless. Costs range from a $200 weekend cruise on up to a forever ownership of an on-board luxury condo on a round-the-world ship that can cost millions.

Although the condo afloat would be wonderful for a retired oil executive or rock star, most new retirees would be content to celebrate the occasion with just a cruise or two a year. Therefore, if that’s your choice, just how would you enjoy your retirement cruise?

Las Vegas: How To Stage A Super Veterans' Reunion PDF Print E-mail

Q: We’ve been having annual local reunions of Navy mates who served on our aircraft carrier during the Vietnam War. Coming up this September is our 50th anniversary since we were there, and I want to make it the best ever. What do you recommend? PBMcH, Master Chief Yeoman (Retired), San Diego CA

A: We suggest Las Vegas. It has been one of the most popular veterans’ reunion destinations since the 1950s. For a recent example, at one of the posh resorts on The Strip, the Navy crew of a cruiser that was on station during the Korean War recently enjoyed their 65th celebration.

Question: Go With Group Or Wander Free? PDF Print E-mail

Q: We’re newly retired and are thinking of doing a lot of traveling, possibly roam the world with packs on our backs. Because we’ve never done it except in the U.S., should we first sign up for group trips? MPB, San Jose CA

A: Tho a group travel plan will have some disadvantages, we suggest that your first world wanderings should be with an organized commercial travel agency.

Advantages: When you travel in an unfamiliar country, group trips come with experienced guides. All is scheduled, so you don’t have to wonder where to roam next. Dining and sleeping accommodations are safe. If your trip is for a week or more, you could form friendships with other seniors. Of course, there’s also safety in numbers everywhere you roam.

You’ll be at assigned places at specific times, so free roaming will be limited. Also, if it is a bus trip that requires long drives, it can be exhausting to spend the days hopping on and off the bus. When on your own, you take chances on hitting bad deals on sleeping and eating facilities.

Q: How Can We Survive All-You-Can-Eat Buffets? PDF Print E-mail

My spouse and I have scheduled our first Vegas vacation. The great price deal our travel agent got us includes three free daily buffets at the hotel. We love to eat, and both are a bit overweight. Our doctor and family have warned us to go easy with the limitless food. What can you suggest? LMK, San Antonio TX

A: First of all, don’t deny yourselves a fun time in Sin City. You can always go back to the diet when you’re back home again. Eat all you want, but eat smart. Most Vegas buffets include all kinds of non-fattening foods, such as salads, vegetables, low-fat meats and seafood. Fill up on those, followed by fresh fruits for dessert.


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