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Q: Got Any Singles Travel Info For Senior Guys? PDF Print E-mail

Hey, your website runs frequent articles advising senior women about making new connections on singles cruises and other travels. How about some info for retired bachelors, divorced guys and widowers who want to get back into the travel social scene? PRMc, USMC (Retired) Waco TX

A: We at travel4seniors.com weren’t aware that we excluded male readers on affairs of the wandering senior’s heart. If guilty, we’ll try to make amends here with a few quick hints.

1. Cruises: Do some digging. Cruise lines, internet and travel agencies offer countless listings about upcoming sailings and other travel deals that fit your request. In fact, by signing up for a cruise exclusively for senior singles, you’ll be happy with the statistics in guy vs gal favor. The average percentage aboard can be 30 males to every 70 females. For example, check out singles-only river cruises in interesting parts of the world at www.vikingrivercruises.com

Q: Is It Possible To Win Money On Casino Slots? PDF Print E-mail

My wife and I enjoy our retirement travel, but have one continuing argument. In Reno, Las Vegas, Indian casinos, at foreign resorts and on cruise ships, I enjoy playing the slot machines. She tolerates it as long as I don’t lose too much, but refuses to join me. She says the machines are rigged and I’m just throwing my money away. Is she right? PF, Wilmington DE

Travel Tips When With Wheelchair-Bound Mate PDF Print E-mail

Q: My husband suffered a stroke recently and is now unable to walk. While in the Air Force, and for decades after retirement he was an avid world traveler. Now, his physical limits are frustrating to both of us. I won’t leave him home when I travel. Suggestions? AMT, Amarillo TX

A: In a word: patience. Plan ahead to avoid rushing to airports and being overwhelmed by crowds and tight schedules. Do everything possible to make journeys pleasant and unhurried for you and your husband.

If more convenient to leave his wheelchair at home, call ahead to airlines, cruise ships and hotels for free or rentals. If he’s capable, electric vehicles can make it easier, especially for city and historic site sightseeing tours.

Q: Best Places To Find Other Single Seniors? PDF Print E-mail

Q: I’m a retired high school teacher and really tired of the local senior dating scene. All the single males here in my home town seem to be either too young, too old and/or too boring for me.

I need to get out of town. Now that I can travel whenever I want, tell me the best places to mingle with interesting senior single men?  Ms. LLA, Houston TX

A: First, surf the internet and/or check with your travel agent to explore the almost limitless choices. Start breaking away from hometown blues with a singles cruise. All offer many get-acquainted events in both day and evening activities.

Q: Is It OK To Tip A Helpful Flight Attendant? PDF Print E-mail

Whenever I fly I need help. Now in my 80s, I’ve difficulties walking, stowing carry-ons and other air travel challenges. My experiences with the crews have been mixed.

Some deliberately ignore me or pretend to, and I have to lift my bag and make my way as best as I can. Others rush over with a smile and assist me. In those cases, I’ve offered tips, but they’re usually refused. I know flight attendants aren’t waiters or bartenders, but they do a hell of a lot more and deserve our thanks and more. What do you suggest? PPJ, Milwaukee WI

A: Flight attendants usually don’t expect tips, and in some airlines, they’re actually forbidden from accepting them. However, if you make it a private conversation away from your seat during a non-busy time during the flight, and insist on giving the tip, it may be accepted.

Another idea is what some retiree flyers practice when they receive exceptional service from attendants. They carry and give small items, such as t-shirts, sweaters, handkerchiefs, scarves or pairs of gloves. Also, they ask attendants’ names and send favorable Emails about them to the airline.


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