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Travel Can Help Ease Transition To Retirement PDF Print E-mail

Q: I retired almost a year ago and not enjoying it. Going from 40 years of working every day to just sitting around is driving me nuts. A friend told me the best thing to solve my problem is just get up off my butt and travel. What do you have to say about it? JKMcC, Pittsburgh PA

A: Your pal is absolutely right! That restless feeling is normal, because you went suddenly from a full daily routine into a do-nothing lifestyle. The solution is to start a regular activity that requires planning, meeting schedules and seeing new sights. In other words, you should really get off your butt and venture out into the world.

Cruise Schedule: Arrive Sailing Day Or Day Early? PDF Print E-mail

Q: Just booked our first Caribbean cruise and need to settle an argument. We live near San Diego on the West Coast and the ship sails from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. My spouse says we should fly there the same morning, because departure isn’t until 4 pm.

I disagree, because anything can happen to delay our flight, and we could get there too late. What do you think?  BLR, San Diego CA

Quiet, Please! How To Sleep In Noisy Hotel Room PDF Print E-mail

Q: We stayed in a hotel near Times Square recently, and even for $300 a room, we couldn’t get any sleep. All night long we heard honking horns, loud music and yelling people. When we complained, the desk clerk just shrugged and said it’s normal for New York. Suggestions? FMS, Dresher PA

A: Consider basic rules on future visits. If your hotel is on a busy city street, get a room as high up as possible and facing away from the street. Avoid rooms next to elevators and over/under restaurants/meeting/show rooms.

Q: From The Airport: Rent Car Or Public Transport? PDF Print E-mail

I like the convenience of a rental car after a flight, but the fees, insurance, city parking and other add-ons just keep going up. Last time I rented, it cost me more than $70 a day. Considering everything, what’s your opinion on the best way to get to the city from the airport? GLP, Houston TX

A: Of course, when on company expense account and/or you need to drive to different locations when in your destination city for several days, a rental car was the best choice. However, if you just need to go once from airport to hotel with no need to drive anywhere, today many airport-to-city train and bus services are best.

Question: Are Hostels OK For Senior Adventurers? PDF Print E-mail

Q: Now in our late 60s, we’re retired empty-nesters and raring to travel. We plan to take several months to see Europe. However, checking hotels in London, Paris, Venice and other potential destinations, we found prices of $500+ a night way over our budget.

An experienced traveler friend suggested we stay in hostels at about 1/4 the cost. We thought those places were just for backpacking youngsters. What’s your opinion? AAR, San Diego CA

A: Reminds us of our own post-retirement travels. Also in our 60s, we did what you’re considering. We backpacked through France, the Netherlands and Belgium. At first, we tried small hotels, and while most were adequate, the $200+ prices were not worth the short, eight-hour stay.


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