Plan National Park Visit: Buy An America The Beautiful Pass PDF Print E-mail

As winter warms into springtime, many senior travelers’ thoughts turn to those glorious destinations. Consider buying an America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Senior Pass. Visitors 62 and up can buy a lifetime pass for $80 or annual pass for $20.

The pass gives you and traveling companions lifetime entrance into more than 100 US National Parks that charge entry fees. It also provides access to more than 2,000 recreation sites managed by the federal government. The pass includes discounts on parking, camping sites, boat launching, guided tours and other park services. Buy a pass at any federal recreation site with entry fees. For more info: www.usparkpass.com

Santa Barbara CA: Your Dog Will Enjoy Beach Town Hikes PDF Print E-mail

If you have your faithful companion along while visiting the famed California oceanside resort city, check dog roaming advantages. Douglas Family Preserve Walking Trail is filled with happy pooches and their owners. Also drive together a short distance up Highway 101 to the Funk Zone, where walking, dog biscuit and wine tasting combine to make all attendees happy.

San Francisco CA: Homeless And Beggars Fill Streets PDF Print E-mail

Visitors to the glorious City By The Bay are facing growing problems with poverty. Despite its high-priced hotels, luxurious restaurants and fantastic scenery, traveling seniors must consider the realities. Recently we were there and experienced a disturbing drama.

When we left a restaurant near the Golden Gate Bridge, we had taken a half sandwich and cake to eat later in our hotel. As we strolled, a homeless man begged for help. We gave him the food, but before we could get away he asked for some money to buy a drink to go with the food. By his physical condition, it was obvious what kind of drink he needed.

Ignoring the plea, we continued on streets and sidewalks. The reality hit us as we saw used needles, human waste, bottles, ragged tents, sleepers on the sidewalks and other signs of the worsening city conditions. If your travels take you to San Francisco or most every big city in the US, be aware of encountering the homeless and/or physically dangerous situations. Take all necessary precautions for personal safety. www.bisnow.com/san-francisco/news/hotel/san-franciscos-homeless-crisis-is-turning-tourists-away

Q: Always Confused About Tipping. What Are The Rules? PDF Print E-mail

The more I travel around the world these days, the practice of leaving tips seems to get more complicated. Do you have some easy to understand rules? MAS, Tucson AZ

A: You’re usually OK to give 10 to 15% in cash after a meal, drink session, valet, home delivery and other services. If the server or something else irks you about the transaction, ask to speak to a manager before deciding not to tip. Ah, memories!

I was a Hot Shoppes car hop while a teen college student, and had a bare minimum salary. I depended on tips to earn decent money. For awhile, I was ok with the job. However, some customers didn’t tip and/or drove away without paying for the food. Some tossed the tray and dirty dishes crashing out the window. And I had to pay for the damage!

My solution was when I served the printed bill close to my face to drivers, and quoted a price a dollar or two above the actual amount. In that slightly-dishonest way, I was assured adequate tip money.

Emotional Support Air Pals Restricted To Trained Dogs PDF Print E-mail

If you’re planning to fly with your ever-lovin’ pony, cat, raccoon or other exotic animal, take warning. Many airlines are no longer allowing them to ride in the passenger section with you. The growth of non-canines getting free rides on flights has grown considerably over the past decades.

Originally they were all trained, licensed dogs. Now it includes every creature from pigs, birds, snakes, and other supposedly necessary helpers for their elderly and/or handicapped owners. Therefore, before you intend to fly with your beloved critter, be sure you check first with your travel agent and/or airline.


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