

Boeing Boasts Developing A Hypersonic Passenger Jet

The just-announced claim is that when it goes into regular service in about a dozen years, the Boeing airliner will fly non-stop between New York and London in two hours, and Los Angeles and Tokyo in three hours.

Of course, that won’t speed up the extra hours passengers must spend on the ground before flights. They include weather delays, driving to the airport, parking, long waiting lines and surviving touchie-feelie security body checks.

Tortilla maker, Old Town, San Diego CA PDF Print E-mail

Tortilla stand

Q: Exclusive cruise dining: Is it worth extra $? PDF Print E-mail


We’ve been on several cruises, and always wondered what it would be like to sign up for dinner once or twice in one of the special dining rooms. The extra price is $25 or so per person, and people who’ve dined that way say the food choices and quality are better, and the experience is much more luxurious than eating in the ship’s main dining room. We’ll be taking a Mexican Riviera cruise from Los Angeles next month. Is it worth it to pay extra for the special dining room?

How to deal with frightful airline seatmates PDF Print E-mail

Frankinstein and mate

Q: I’m a mature woman who travels regularly on business, and this just happened to me once too often. On my last flight, an annoying couple plopped down next to me, and immediately began to ask all kinds of questions about myself.

They had obviously been drinking heavily in the airport bar, and their breath and clothing reeked of old tobacco and booze. After take off, and I could leave my seat, I asked the flight attendant to move me. She said all seats were taken. I had a miserable flight, but what could I do?

Thru red rock peek at Pike's Peak, Colorado PDF Print E-mail

Pike's Peak, Colorado USA

Flight delayed? Don't just sit there! PDF Print E-mail


Some modest exercises make airport delays bearable

When you’re stuck in the airport waiting area for an hour or more, as we all too often are, use the time to to benefit your body. You’ll see everyone around you sprawled out, squeezed in or squirming uncomfortably in the torture racks they call seats.

Try some simple exercises to fight the boredom, nervous fidgeting and ever tightening muscles. First, make sure your carry-on and other stuff is secure with a companion, or do your flexing close-by with it all in sight. Here are some suggested movements:

1. Stand with your hands on your hips or clasped behind your head. Turn your upper body slowly from side to side, stretching toward the back as far back as you can. Do this 25 times on each side or until you feel limber enough.


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