

TripAdvisor Lists Its Top American Museums....Not!

The travel site recently named ten in the US. However, they failed to name the absolute best. Inexcusably omitted from the list is the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Those named in the report were the Metropolitan, New York NY, WW2 Museum, New Orleans LA, Art Institute, Chicago IL, 9/11 Museum, New York NY,  USS Midway, San Diego CA, Smithsonian, Washington DC, Getty Center, Los Angeles CA, Museum of Natural History, Museum of Modern Art, both in New York NY, and Kennedy Space Center, Titusville FL.

OK, so they’re all great museums. However, not that I’m prejudiced, I just happen to be a graduate of the Philadelphia Museum College of Art, BFA ‘51. Of course, that was years before Rocky ran up the steps and did his victory dance.

Flight right: Stuff your eight pockets PDF Print E-mail

Couple running cartoon

Forget heavy bags; use coat of many pockets

You’ve finally figured out how to fly by leaving the big suitcase at home and saving about $25 a flight per fat bag. For your major stuff, you can now cram it all into a handy wheeled carry-on and be on your happy way.

However, even as you wheel through the airport, there is usually other stuff, like wallets, small handbags, tickets and other take-alongs that make you feel all loaded down. What you can do to relieve that is to wear a coat with lots of pockets in it.

It’s something we’ve been doing for years. We fly wearing lightweight jackets that have four large outside and four deep inside pockets, all with cover flaps that zip or button. The first advantage is that in one pocket, we always have tickets, ID and other items immediately ready to show in a flash.

Also, we pack items in the coat pockets we need in flight or in the terminal: cell phone, wallet, passport, snacks, paperbacks, CD player, pens, pencils, small digital camera and a host of other items. If stashed right, the jackets make everything much easier.

You can probably find an eight-pocket jacket for you that looks neat, but can be a walking suitcase, at your local clothing or big box department store. There are also companies that advertise their coats online, including scottevest.com.

Best little hotel in London PDF Print E-mail

British guards

Frommers loves it. Trip Advisor gives it five stars. Sherman Travel voted it the top hotel, big or small, in the entire city of London. With the not-so-fancy name of Main House Hotel, what’s so great about it?

First, it’s not in the high-priced hotel location around Trafalgar Square. Main House (Caroline Main owns it) is in the quaint Notting Hill neighborhood, just a few steps from Portobello Road. That’s where the world’s biggest flea market/fun fair/antique sale operates each weekend, and that alone is worth the visit.

The rooms are extra large and decorated in glorious 18th and 19th Century English antique style. Rates begin at about $80 per night. The  address is 6 Colville Road, Notting Hill, London, U.K., phone 011-44-207-221-9691 and Email address is www.themainhouse.co.uk

Cruise caution: Check hurricane predictions PDF Print E-mail

Storm clouds

Stormy seas rarely affect cruises

Last year we booked a cruise from Los Angeles that sailed down Mexico’s West Coast to Cabo San Lucas. Just a few days before sailing, there was scary news about a major hurricane with 120 MPH winds heading right for Cabo. Should we cancel?

We called the cruise line and were told the policy is that a ship was never to be within 100 miles of any hurricane. In this case, if there was any danger at Cabo, the captain would follow the strict rules and go to a safe location at sea or another port. Anyhow, our fears were for nothing. The hurricane veered far south and never came near Cabo. Our cruise was smooth and peaceful.


San Francisco tries to restore former glory PDF Print E-mail

Golden Gate Bridge, California

We’ve loved San Francisco since we shipped out from Treasure Island for WWII and sailed back under the Golden Gate when the war ended. Beautiful city, wonderful food and great people. However, since the hippies and homeless took over in the 50s and 60s, the city’s nutcase politicians have ignored the problem or have done their best to stifle anything welcoming about San Francisco.

Now someone seems to be waking up in City Hall, and there is an attempt to do something about the very aggressive panhandlers and other unpleasant street people who are scaring tourists away. They’re trying to allow police to force druggies, drunks, sleepers and beggars off the once beautiful sidewalks and parks of San Francisco.

Cuss a screener & you're on mad fliers list PDF Print E-mail

Child crying

Airport anger can get you on THE list

Throw a fit in the airport or just get mildly ticked off, and your name may go into a Homeland Security and Transportation Security Administration watch list. They already have one for terrorists and other murderous nutcases, but now they’re starting a list of air travelers who aren’t quite as dangerous, but still need watching.

You can qualify for the throw-a-snit list by arguing loudly with a screener, angrily tossing bags and stuff around or just threatening to punch the TSA guy in the nose. Hey, wait a minute. Doesn’t that include just about everyone who flies today?

If you make the list, unless you’ve done something really violent, you won’t be barred from boarding your next flight. However, you can be sure the screener will get back at you for your alleged bad behavior on previous inspections. Expect him to grin knowingly at you and spend a lot more time going through your carry-on stuff.


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