

Future Travel: LA to NYC In 45 Minutes By Tube!

Ever since people in covered wagons took six months to make it from the East Coast to California, they’ve been trying to make the journey a bit shorter. By train, the schedule is about 40 hours. Today, by passenger jet, it takes about four hours.

Now, a company named ET3 predicts that within a few decades, a way to do it by an underground vacuum tube system will take you coast-to-coast in just 3/4 of an hour! ET3 calls it the Evacuated Tube Transport, a 4,000 MPH train that’s blasted through by magnetic levitation.

The whole concept sounds like something a magician would conjure in a stage act, or a super big one of those old department store message suction tubes. The ET passenger system would be made up of a line of six-person capsules in rows within the tunnel vehicle.

Even more ambitious, when the tubes can be constructed to extend under oceans, a trip from California to China could happen in just two hours, and even less from New York to London! When it becomes an entire world network of tubes, it will certainly revolutionize long-distance transportation, as well as shipping, as never before.

Can you imagine telling your family you’re tubing to Beijing for Sunday brunch, and will be back home in time for dinner? And then tubing for a midnight snack in London?

Texas theme park welcomes special needs visitors PDF Print E-mail


A new San Antonio theme park welcomes visitors of all ages with disabilities. Morgan’s Wonderland is designed with their special needs in mind. All of the rides and other features offer easy access that make them both fun and completely safe.

If you’ll be in the San Antonio area with elderly folk, young adults or children who would not normally be able to enjoy regular theme park features, Morgan’s Wonderland would be a great place to take them. The park offers thrill rides, touch sensitive interactive exhibits, kids’ playgrounds, colorful flower gardens, a fishing lake and theater with scheduled music and comedy acts.

To help blind visitors and those with limited sight, all direction signs in the park are also in Braille. For information about Morgan’s Wonderland, check with your favorite online or hometown travel agency, or go to morganswonderland.com

Royal Cribbean now sails from Baltimore PDF Print E-mail

Cruise ship

If you like to cruise and live in New York, Jersey, Philly or Washington DC, the new Royal Caribbean schedule out of Baltimore will make your cruise plans much easier.

No more expensive flights, airport parking and security hassles to Fort Lauderdale or Miami to board ships bound for the Caribbean. A relatively short drive of an hour or two from East Coast cities can get you to the dock in Baltimore, and you’ll be sailing away.

Royal Caribbean's enormous Enchantment of the Seas will be based in Baltimore for sailings year-round from the city. Cruises include five-night Bermuda and nine-night Eastern Caribbean roundtrip schedules. Later in the year, the ship will offer nine-night cruises to Canada and New England destinations and 12-night Southern Caribbean cruises.

The Bermuda cruises will feature a two-day call at Kings Wharf. The Eastern Caribbean itinerary will include calls in San Juan, Puerto Rico; Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas; Samana, Dominican Republic; and Labadee, the cruise line's private beach destination on the northern coast of Haiti.

For more information on Royal Caribbean sailings out of Baltimore or other information, contact your favorite hometown or online travel agency, or go to www.royalcaribbean.com

Armor your home against theft while you're away PDF Print E-mail

Armored knight

It doesn’t happen often, but when news gets out about cruise line employee theft, it should heighten awareness for travelers’ individual security. A cruise line office employee who booked passengers was arrested for using the information to rob homes while travelers were at sea.

Knowing passengers would be away for from one to two weeks, the thief’s gang used pass keys to steal cash, jewelry and other items. It sounds too simple to be believed, but it happened, and would have gone on if the police investigation hadn’t figured it out. The pattern of the crimes were traced back to certain of the cruise line’s sailings and list of passengers who were robbed.

Airline seats: Would you pay extra to board first? PDF Print E-mail

Cartoon of running passengers

If you hate stomping at the crowded airline gate like horses ready for the race, there’s a way to pay so you can go aboard first. Southwest, the bargain airline with the no-reserve seats, has been doing it for several years. For $10, you can be part of its Early Bird Check-in, go aboard first, get your choice of seats and be first to stash your carry-on in an overhead bin.

Now, some of the reserved-seating airlines are offering the same. American’s Boarding and Flexibility Package permits passengers who buy their tickets online the same privilege. AA charges from $9 to $19 each way for early boarding. Other airlines have similar features. United’s "Premier Line" early boarding service costs $19, and Ryanair’s current early boarding charge is $5.

As with all airlines, the extra payment doesn’t actually mean you’ll be the very first aboard. Passengers with highest class tickets and the handicapped, as with all airlines, still continue to go on ahead of everyone else.

Tip: Take iPad with you on flight, drive, cruise PDF Print E-mail


Apple’s iPad has proven to be a big success for computing, and it can be a great companion for commuting from home to summer vacation destinations. Depending on the model you want and its capabilities, an iPad costs from $150 to $500. It can be a great investment for making your travels easier and more interesting.

Your very portable iPad can be your internet and correspondence connection to your office and/or family back home. a music and DVD movie entertainment center and a GPS electronic map to guide you on the road, in the air and at sea. If you’re in a hotel that offers Wi-Fi in guest rooms, you can use your iPad for dozens of purposes, including movies, music, electronic books and research. For more information, contact your nearest Apple Store or go to www.apple.com/ipad


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