

Airlines To Improve Meals (But Not For Cheap Seats)

According to USA TODAY, several airlines claim they’re upgrading their in-air vittles. Of course, they’re very specific that it will be only for premium passengers.

Frugal flying seniors can always recognize those favored few. They’re the snooty ones who get to board first, then are escorted by smiling attendants to their roomy, lay-flat cubicles, to be entertained, wined, dined and fawned over throughout the flight.

Venice, Italy: Senior Roamer’s Happy Memories PDF Print E-mail

Guest Writer Mary M., Phoenix AZ: This beautiful Italian city has been one of the world's most desired destination for tourists for ten centuries. We were there recently while on a Mediterranean cruise, and it was the highlight of our trip.

Venice is one of the few places in the world that exceeded our expectations, more fantastic in reality than what we had learned from history, TV, movies and travel guides. The first sights when you board the shuttle boat are scenes along the Grand Canal.

La$ Vega$ NV: Coupon$ Make Visit$ More Intere$ting PDF Print E-mail

Las Vegas, as is true about every gambling place, is all about hype. When you arrive, leave any sense of reality behind. However, you can make your money last longer by taking advantage of coupon offers.

The business, of course, of Sin City is to get you to gamble. All the free and discount coupons are offered to entice you to put money into slot machines or to bet at casino tables.
Chances of winning are slim, and therefore, the gambling bosses consider coupon promotions worth the investment.

New Retirees: Should We Travel In The U.S. First? PDF Print E-mail

Q: We both had long office careers that kept us from getting away from home very much. Now that we’re 65, free and empty-nested, we’re not quite sure how to start traveling. See America first or get right into foreign ventures. What do you suggest? Mr. & Mrs. PBL, New Orleans LA

A: There’s certainly no lack of pro and anti opinions on this, and no right or wrong way to go. However, if pinned down for an answer, we’d advocate Americans should explore their own country before venturing overseas.

Siam Reap, Cambodia: A Temple Primate Encounter PDF Print E-mail

Your travel4seniors.com editor met this photogenic member of the monkey colony in the famed ruins of the thousand-year-old Angkor Wat religious site.

Los Angeles International (LAX) Isn't Lax In Security PDF Print E-mail

LAX officials often boast that their facility is one of the safest in the world. Over 50 million passengers use the airport annually, and negative security incidents are very rare.

Our experiences of going through LAX at least a dozen times a year is that security is functioning well. The only complaints we have is that the screening process can get very slow during busy check-in times. Also, we've found that LAX waiting areas, including bathrooms, often become wall-to-wall, shoulder-to-shoulder mob scenes.


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