

Get off your a$$ and hike the Grand Canyon trails

The very popular mule rides that transport visitors into the splendid rocky depths of the Grand Canyon in Arizona will be drastically reduced under a new plan by the National Park Service.

According to the NPS announcement, the number of mules allowed on the Bright Angel Trail, the most traveled route into the canyon from the South Rim, will drop from 40 to 10 riders daily.

The NPS reason for the cut-back in mule rides is that the trail over the years has eroded to potentially unsafe conditions, and repairs are getting too expensive. Additionally, hikers are complaining that they must share the ever-narrowing trails with the mules and the inevitable stuff the mules leave behind. NPS also states that it wants to encourage more hikers to use the trail.

There will be mule rides available along the less-spectacular but safer top of the South Rim trails. For those planning Grand Canyon visits, they should know the hugely popular mule rides will become even more difficult to book, and reservations of up to a year in advance are advised.

For more information, go to NPS.org.

Basic Health & Safety Tips For Senior Wanderers PDF Print E-mail

Just walking out your house, especially if you're in advanced years, can be hazardous to your health, if you're not fit and aware of surroundings. When traveling and venture into a big city with a history of street violence or other hazards, it can be dangerous for both health and safety.

Before planning a trip, consult with members of your family, online government reports and news sources. It may be better to cancel or schedule travel in a less dangerous area.

First things first. Before embarking, schedule a check-up with your family doctor. Get assurance that you're fit enough for the requirements of the journey, and can handle any unexpected rigors you may face. Get a list of prescriptions and signed refill forms from your doctor. Keep copies in your suitcase and on you at all times.

Bedbugs: What To Do If They're In Your Hotel Bed PDF Print E-mail

Unfortunately, according to recent reports, the word is not if, but when it happens. One glaring statistic about Manhattan is that half of the 400 hotels, both ritzy and ratty, have been reported last year for being infested with the nasty bugs.

What can a traveling senior do about it when it happens in a hotel room? First, when you arrive, pull back the covers and top sheet and very closely inspect the bed and mattress. If you see evidence of the little black pests, get out of that room pronto. You may opt to insist on one on a different floor. Or check out entirely, making sure you’re not charged for your stay.

St. Petersburg, Russia: Cathy’s Cats Roam Her Hermitage PDF Print E-mail

If your travel plans for Russia include touring the Hermitage Museum, former Winter Palace of Empress Catharine The Great, you’ll see one of the world’s largest and most treasured art collections.

Then, when strolling the magnificent gardens surrounding the museum, you’ll also observe an army of feline guards who have been keeping the museum free of rodents since 1745. When you encounter any of the hero cats, they may give you friendly myau (Russian for meow) greetings.

After several years on the job, the furry palace guards are put up for adoption. They’re rewarded for loyal service by spending their retirement years with loving Russian families.

Stonehenge UK: Prehistoric English Rock Stars PDF Print E-mail

Your travel4seniors.com editor and his camera recently toured this historic site. Located in Amesbury, Wiltshire, the 5,000-year-old rock formations are thought to be a religious and astronomical structure. Stonehenge is about 88 miles west of London

When Unexpected Storm Hits Your Cruise Ship PDF Print E-mail

It was in all news media. Royal Caribbean’s Anthem of the Seas ran into a heavy storm and suffered damage, while frightening the hell out of everyone aboard. Fortunately, while there was structural breakage, no passengers or crew were seriously injured.

Compared to road and air statistics, cruise ship mishaps are very rare. However, seniors who sign up for cruises should be constantly alert to what to do when the unexpected happens at sea or in port. Here are a few simple rules:


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