

TSA: No More Must Flyers Bear Being Bare

Shy people going through airport screening can now breathe a collective sigh of relief. The Transportation Security Administration is giving up on the airport body scanners that expose virtually naked images.

TSA currently uses two types of airport scanners. The ones that show shadow images will continue to be in place, but the more intrusive x-ray versions are being phased out over the next several months.

Hopefully, it all means that travelers can maintain at least some remnants of modesty while being groped, prodded  and screened on the way to their flights.

How To Bear Your Bare Body Airport Inspection PDF Print E-mail

While they’re always evolving, and depending on the airport, the security process must be faced. Therefore, it’s important to know your choices before you proceed into it.

Be aware when inspectors offer the millimeter wave scanner or backscatter machine. You may be able to ask instead for the traditional pat down. If approved, you're entitled to a private screening room and a witness.

If you have no traveling companion, ask before screening that the airline provide an employee accompany you. Also, be aware that you may request a security screener of the same sex to conduct the body search. However, if that will slow up the process too much, it may be refused.

Of course, airport security ordeals are always rushed and stressful. Keep in mind that they’ll go more smoothly when you’re pleasant, considerate and cooperative.

Seven Of The Most Underrated U.S. National Parks PDF Print E-mail

Here are some you may not have experienced yet, and are just waiting for you to explore and enjoy:

1. American Samoa: Three islands, Tutuila, Ofu-Olosega and Ta’u, were dedicated as a National Park in 1988. American Samoa is nearly 5,000 miles and a ten-hour flight from Los Angeles, and its sunny beaches, South Sea island tranquility and wildlife make it well worth the journey.

2. Dry Tortugas: On a vacation in Key West, Florida, take a tourist boat headed 70 miles west to the Dry Tortugas National Park. It offers uncrowded beaches, turtle nests and coves famed as pirate hangouts in the 17th and 18th Centuries.

Las Vegas NV: Helicopter Tour To Grand Canyon PDF Print E-mail

Senior travel writer, JPB, Ann Arbor MI: What more thrilling way to celebrate our 40th anniversary than to fly a whirlybird from Las Vegas to one of the world’s greatest natural wonders? When I first heard about it, I wasn’t too enthusiastic.

We were having a grand time on the ground in Vegas when my spouse suggested we should see the thrilling sights from above. Decades ago I had many rides in Navy and Marine choppers, and wasn’t too thrilled about climbing into one again. However, after we were aboard and the pilot assured me that no one would be shooting at us, I relented.

Scanning The Future: Airport And In-Air Holograms PDF Print E-mail

Scientific reports now predict that by 2020, lifelike full-size holograms will be so realistic that they’ll be a major entertainment feature for travelers. You’ll be able to interact with projections of scenes and stars of the past as if you were part of the act.

Instead of spending lonely hours in airports or aboard flights, you’ll experience being in the midst of what feels like live action. Broadway stages, Hollywood movie sets, sunny beaches, endless deserts, towering mountains, schussing ski trails, exotic cruises and much more.

Humor: We Vote For Your 10 Best Flight Seatmates PDF Print E-mail

We all remember adjoining passengers we’d rather forget. Crying babies, 700 lb. arm rest overflows, barfing alcoholics and tobacco-breath addicts. Therefore, if our fondest history fantasy could be answered, what memorably pleasant seating companions would we choose?

To be happily shoulder-to-shoulder on long red-eyes or cross-ocean journeys to London or Beijing. Consider:

1. Jesus: If a prayer for safety becomes necessary, who better?
2. Abe Lincoln: We’d discuss politics, tho the poor guy in the smooshed-in seat in front of long, lanky Abe never stops whining.


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