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Rome, Italy: No Ifs, Butts Nor Squats On The Spanish Steps PDF Print E-mail

When sightseeing around the Eternal City, know the rules that apply to tourists. No matter how tired you are, do not sit down on the Spanish Steps. Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck did it charmingly in the 1953 film “Roman Holiday”. However, anyone who commits the dastardly crime these days is subject to a fine of 400 euros ($450).

London Underground Offers First-Class Carriages PDF Print E-mail

If your travels take you to the busy British capital city, an efficient way to get around is via its traditional subway system. However, especially at crowded holiday times it involves rubbing shoulders and other body parts with unwashed fellow riders whose odors and crowded proximity could be offensive.

The London Undergound management recently installed exclusive upscale passenger cars on the regular commuter line that offer clean seating, booze bars and personal comfort. Of course, riders of those luxury cars will have to pay a bit more pounds and pence for the privilege of the regal service. www.suffolkgazette.com/news/london-underground-introduces-first-class-carriages

Amsterdam, Holland: Too Many Tourists In Red Light District PDF Print E-mail

Concerned city officials may pass laws to ban groups of over 15 visitors wandering there, and eventually forbid tours entirely. They want to prevent overcrowding, but as one city father complained “also because it is not respectful to sex workers. It is outdated to treat sex workers as a tourist attraction.”

The Dutch capital has already banned current so-called free tours, where guides and other locals encourage tourists to join them at the Red Light District for a fee plus a city tax. So, on your next visit to Amsterdam, understand and obey the rules while wandering the sights, streets, hookers and canals.

Singapore And France Ban Scooters From Sidewalks PDF Print E-mail

After many accidents and at least one fatality, the Asian city-state popular tourist destination now forbids riding e-scooters on sidewalks. New enforcements say "Those caught riding on e-scooters on footpaths will be liable for a fine of $1,472 (SGD$2000) and, or, jail up to three months.

Scooters are no longer allowed on sidewalks in France, but with more moderate fines for violators at just $150 (135 euros). Many U.S. cities already have bans, but as you can see in the photo, some speeders ignore the law and scoot cluelessly over the sidewalk signs. www.cnn.com/travel/article/singapore-e-scooter-ban-intl-hnk/index

Havana, Cuba, Celebrated 500th Birthday PDF Print E-mail

The Cuban government sponsored a jubilee week in mid-November as the capital city marked the anniversary of its birth. There were and still are ongoing events at historic and performance sites. Distinguished visitors helped celebrate the birthday, including members of the Spanish royal family. Events include fireworks over the Malecon seaside promenade, parades, sports and all types of local foods and wines.

Havana’s history consists of being part of a Spanish colony for four centuries, English rule for one year and occupation by US troops for several months during the Kennedy presidency. If you plan to enjoy all the beauty and history of the Cuban capital city, be sure to check current regulations and restrictions on U.S. visitors. www.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/18/havana-on-its-500th-birthday-then-and-now


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