Senior Travelers Need To Heed Airport Security PDF Print E-mail

Senior travel reporter RRE, Little Rock AK: No matter where you are and what you're doing in most air terminals, you can assume at least one camera is watching you. On a recent arrival to check in for a flight out of Las Vegas, we stopped just inside the terminal to get our bearings.

We noticed a stack of four suitcases just a few feet away. At that instant, two burly airport cops and a huge German Shepherd dog came rushing over. They swooped up the nearby unattended bags and were gone up the nearby escalator before we could say or do anything.

Senior Singles Cruises: What Are The Advantages? PDF Print E-mail

Some of the most enjoyable, economical and safest all-inclusive vacation sources for senior singles involve cruising. Many passenger ships, usually chock full of seniors, have great programs for single seniors. Gatherings at meals, social events, exercise programs, entertainment, shore excursions and other activities are natural magnets for singles to greet, meet and mingle.

Although one possible feature may not be for every single senior woman, some cruises provide male ship employees who serve as escorts at dances, excursions and other events. The 1997 comedy movie by great actor pals, the late Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau, "Out To Sea", gives a hilarious version of the shipboard male escort service.

Tips For Single Senior Travelers Seeking Romance PDF Print E-mail

First, stop hoping you’ll find the love of your later life on that big blinking idiot box in front of you. Most TV bios and their pix in the lonely hearts commercials are phony. To mingle with singles, you have to lift your lonely butt off the sofa and get into the real-life action.

To meet other unattached seniors, travel is one of the best ways to do it. For example, book with Road Scholar for a music-themed (from your generation) Caribbean cruise. Or do a hiking trip (easy one, of course) through the Rockies, a weekend of NYC theater and dining or joining a songfest week at a Vienna university.

How about doing volunteering by signing up for a Habitat for Humanity home repair project? It’s highly possible you could find romance while perched high on a ladder with another volunteer. 

If you want to tour with groups of single seniors, check with your travel agent, church, school or other local organization to find group travel plans that appeal to you. The internet is also a great source of hundreds of options for group senior travel, including seniors single-only cruises, where mingling is expected and encouraged.

Tips: Reduce Problems When Traveling With Pets PDF Print E-mail

The experience can be very stressful for both you and your best friend. The hurry-up activities, strange sights, loud noises and unfamiliar people can disturb a pet accustomed to familiar routines at home. With intelligent planning and consideration, there are ways to make the trip easier to endure.

When scheduled to fly, consider leaving your larger pet home. Have a friend or relative take over for you, or board it in a kennel. It’s frightening and stressful to fly is as a caged animal.

London UK: Enjoy A Springtime Walking Tour PDF Print E-mail

If your travels take you to the vintage English capital, save a day for a pleasant stroll. Book an escorted one, and you may be led by a talented young actor/actress who blends historic facts with dramatic flourish.

There are walking tours for all ages and interests. They may include historic buildings, Trafalgar Square, Jack the Ripper sites, Tower of London ghosts, soapbox speakers at Hyde Park, River Thames boat tours and many others. Check the internet for the many current listings of tours, and choose one that interests your senior soul.

Consider: www.walks.com, www.visitlondon.com, www.freetoursbyfoot.com, www.walklondon.com, timeout.com/london/walks


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