Make Kitty’s Flight The Cat’s Meow, Not CATastrophic! PDF Print E-mail

You may want that special family member to fly with you. Get valuable how-to tips about cat air travel from the many websites that offer that information.

Before you make any plans to take your feline flying, know some of the requirements. Most airlines restrict animals to 22 pounds, and a limit of two per human passengers. Your cat will need a vet’s note listing recent required inoculations.

Consult with your vet if you have fears that noise in the airport and while in flight will be too much for your cat’s nerves. Some medication could keep kitty calm and able to sleep.

Joining Senior Traveler Disease-of-the-Month Club? PDF Print E-mail

Before you roam, always read up on weather conditions, latest travel news and info about destinations. What you also must thoroughly research is recently-reported infections, diseases and other ailments spread among senior travelers.

For seniors who fear catching illnesses while crammed into trains, planes, buses, taxis, vans and cruise ships, here are some hints on fighting back:

Steely Seniors: Don’t Accept That First Price Quote PDF Print E-mail

A most effective question a senior traveler can utter is: can you do better than that? Or as a definite statement: I’m sure you can do better than that. Not hostile. Not demanding. Just say it with conviction, backed up by an I-know-the-score smile.

For the past decade, because of the steep rise in oil prices, the wars and unchecked inflation, travel costs have skyrocketed. But recent developments indicate there may be happier days ahead for the senior traveler. Oil prices dropped, and travel prices should follow.

Expensive Air Trip: Why Not Take The Bus? PDF Print E-mail

You know the airport check-in routine by heart now. Get there two hours early, then go through security lines, show your driver’s license and boarding pass. Check bags, then take off shoes, lift and put everything into a plastic box and watch it disappear into the x-ray tunnel.

Then, when the guard lets you through the electronic gate after magic wand poking, you hustle over to get your stuff again and hop around trying to put on shoes.

10 Commandments Of Staying Awake While Driving PDF Print E-mail

Total awareness at the wheel can be literally a matter of life and death for senior roadies. Additionally, in this day of smartphones, tweeters, twitters and other devices, staying alert gets tougher. Now being at the wheel has more dangers to add to the traditional distractions.

The reality of driving, whether to the local store or across the country, is that safety is a never-ending responsibility. It’s critical for senior drivers who travel long distances and spend many hours behind the wheel. Some suggestions for safe driving include: 

1. Before you go, be sure your car is in excellent condition, including engine, electrical system, brakes and tires. Faulty heating units can cause drowsiness. The interior should be clean and secure from anything that could distract the driver or be propelled around on sudden stops.


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