Be A Smart Senior Sailor & Enjoy Trouble-Free Cruises PDF Print E-mail

Guest Senior Correspondent BLL, Chester PA: We've been on many cruises since my retirement, and have some suggestions on how to avoid taking the wrong one. After we made some booking mistakes, we enjoyed cruises much more, found them easier to deal with and less costly:

Travel light. After the second or third cruise, we stopped dragging suitcases and need to check them on flights to and from cruise ports. We each took a wheeled bag and a knapsack, and never again checked luggage.

Turbulence Tips: How to Deal With Bumpy Flights PDF Print E-mail

Comments by your elder travel4seniors.com editor: "Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night!" The famed line is from "All About Eve," spoken in her gritty style by the great Bette Davis. Of course, she wasn't talking about airplane flights, but commenting on a flighty Hollywood love affair.

Remembering her line when your airplane is bouncing all over the sky may give you a bit of comfort. Or not. Start by just following the first simple rule. Keep your seat belt fastened tightly when you hear the announcement about bumpy air ahead.

I've been on many up and down flights, both as an airline passenger and, in younger days hitching rides on all kinds of Navy aircraft. I was only air sick once, and for a good reason. The old PBY flying boat was bouncing all over the winter sky like a moth caught in a wind storm.

Paris, France: How To Spend Less In Costly City PDF Print E-mail

Senior Travel Correspondent CJF, Detroit MI: Everyone says Paris is the most expensive tourist city in the world. To experience April in Paris, we challenged ourselves on a recent visit to do everything possible to enjoy at least one frugal senior day in the famed City of Lights.

Sleep on the cheap: It costs up to $1,200 a night at the super-upscale Paris Ritz, and not much less for other snobbish Paris hotels. So we trekked over to the Woodstock Hostel in busy Montmartre. The charge was about $40, sheets and towels $5 extra.

It’s full of young backpackers and without much privacy, but there’s a little swimming pool for relaxing, and basic French breakfast is absolutely free! 48 rue Rodier, 75009. For more info, hostels.com/hostels/paris/woodstock-hostel

Finding World’s Best Senior Friendly Destinations PDF Print E-mail

Check updated sources on the internet, particularly the US State Department, to determine which countries are on the unfriendly or ongoing violence list. Also, keep up on news reports to be sure you have the latest info. Consult with friends, neighbors and relatives who've traveled recently.  Ask about their experiences before making your plans.

Depending on your physical condition, choose countries with modern medical services, facilities for those who need help getting around, high-level sanitation and closely-monitored food quality. Reconsider trips and excursions that involve considerable walking, climbing steps, standing in long lines and other physical challenges.

Single Sr Women Travelers Should Never, Never Say... PDF Print E-mail

Yes, fellows. I’m alone here in this big strange city.
That’s very kind of you, sir, to offer me a ride at midnight.
All right, I’ll try that shish ka bob from your street cart.
Sure, I have change for a $100 bill.
OK, I’ll pay the price you quote for that souvenir doodad.
Just one little drink with you, sir. Then I must get back to my hotel.
Oh, how nice of you to escort me back to my hotel room.
What a sweet looking boy! Of course I’ll give you money as soon as I can open my purse and get my wallet out.


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