Air Travel Tips For Seniors With Disabilities PDF Print E-mail

If you’re not getting around as easily as you did in younger days, consider suggestions for upcoming travel ventures.

1. Check with your physician to discuss travel plans. If your condition is not up to the rigors, it may be wise to moderate, postpone or cancel the trip. Don’t attempt stressful activities that could worsen health, as well as cause problems for those traveling with you.

2. Take an adequate supply of all meds you normally use daily, both prescription and over-the-counter. If they’ll be in a carry-on bag, put them together into a see-through plastic pouch, so that airport security can quickly examine them.

Loooong Flight: Strrrrretch Out Cramped Muscles PDF Print E-mail

OK, admit it. You’re not as young and supple as you once were. So, during that entire six-hour flight, you just sit there while your ancient muscles and bones get older.

If you want to be able to disembark comfortably after landing, do some exercises during the flight. First, while seated, once every 15 to 30 minutes, slowly stretch out your legs, slowly turning ankles a dozen times. Then pull your knees, one at a time, gradually up and as close to your chest as you can manage.

Humor: Worst Celebs To Sit Next To On Flights PDF Print E-mail

USA Today ran a similar poll recently on the in-air vocal disturber subject, and yakky Donald Trump won first place among the other candidates. We don’t quite disagree, because most seasoned citizens would not want any gabby politician up close and bending our ear hour after boring hour.

Our senior readers poll revealed other unwanted seatmates. Here are the top five:

Mother in law: Bad enough when she nags from the back seat of the car. That face and shrill voice next to you for all those hours, even on a day flight, is a nightmare.

When Missed Flight Isn’t Your Fault: How To Cope PDF Print E-mail

Unfortunately, this is the time of year when it often happens. The best way to avoid missing a flight because of clogged traffic is to anticipate clogged traffic. The best way to avoid a slow security line is to anticipate a slow security line.

Everyone who buys an airline ticket is warned many times to arrive at the airport one hour before a domestic flight and two hours before an overseas flight. That means precisely that you should be entering the security line at those times, not dashing through the airport parking lot nor fuming in a taxi stuck in drive-time traffic.

Celebrate Your Retirement With A Cruise PDF Print E-mail

There are many ocean voyage choices for sailing into those long-awaited sunset years. Options range from a $200 weekend cruise, on up to ownership of an on-board $4 million condo at sea. Of course, there are endless possibilities in between.

A super luxurious condo afloat would be a wonderful home for a retired oil executive or rock star. However, most new retirees would be content to celebrate the occasion with a cruise that goes beyond a few weekend nights.

If it will be your first sailing ever, make it less intimidating by signing up with a group cruise organized by your church, club, college alumni or veterans association. In that way, the unfamiliar experience will be easier to take. Surrounded by friendly faces, you’ll enjoy both the cruise experience and compatible companions.


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