Home TIPS Humor: Worst Celebs To Sit Next To On Flights
Humor: Worst Celebs To Sit Next To On Flights PDF Print E-mail

USA Today ran a similar poll recently on the in-air vocal disturber subject, and yakky Donald Trump won first place among the other candidates. We don’t quite disagree, because most seasoned citizens would not want any gabby politician up close and bending our ear hour after boring hour.

Our senior readers poll revealed other unwanted seatmates. Here are the top five:

Mother in law: Bad enough when she nags from the back seat of the car. That face and shrill voice next to you for all those hours, even on a day flight, is a nightmare. Third grade teacher Ms. Fralinger: Even with the seat belt sign on, she’d make you stand up and recite Shakespeare or the multiplication table.

John Paul Jones: When the plane sits on the tarmac after five delayed hours, all he’d say is: We have not yet begun to flight.

John Wayne: The Duke would tell us how he killed all the bad guys and won the West from Hollywood’s fake Monument Valley movie set.

Jesus: At first all the bottled water being turned into wine would be welcome. However, after an eight-hour flight, we’d be too unsteady to stand up and stagger to the exit.

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