

If You're Retired, Be Inspired About Off-Price Flight and Hotel Deals
If your 9 to 5 (or 8 am to whatever) job slavery days are over and you have all the time in the world, look before you book. You should already know that flights and some hotels raise their prices sky high on weekends and holidays.
Surf Air: How Much Does Fly Any Time Cost? PDF Print E-mail

We’ve seen the interesting ads since Surf Air introduced its unique service in 2013, and the possibilities are fascinating. The private air service offers “all you can fly”.

So far, Surf Air operates only in Western California, primarily in and out of San Carlos in the north and Burbank in the south. That connects the booming industrial areas of Silicon Valley to the state’s most populous Los Angeles destinations.

Senior Flier: Spread Wings & Lower Landing Gear PDF Print E-mail

Let’s face it. Loooong flights keep you trapped in that aluminum can called an airline seat, especially if you’re flying coach. To fight muscle cramps and other discomfort, next time apply the familiar suggestion: Don’t just sit there; do something!

Every couple of hours, you must walk to the potty in the sky. Use that trip down the aisle to limber up. When in the waiting line, perform simple exercises. Push against a nearby bulkhead to do a minute or two of standing arm stretches. The exercise can relieve tension in shoulders, elbows, wrists and fingers.

New York City: Old Memories At The Tenement Museum PDF Print E-mail

Next time you’re in Manhattan, experience how late 19th and early 20th Century immigrants coped with the New World. Typically, a family of eight or more lived in two small walk-up apartment rooms, all portrayed at the Lower East Side museum. In those days, there was no air conditioning, phones, tv, radio, refrigerators nor washing machines. The average family income was $15 a week.

Swiss Air Cleans The Air: Relief For Allergy Sufferers PDF Print E-mail

It happens all too frequently. You settle into your airline seat, then eyes water, nose stuffs up and sneezing starts. You have allergies, and it’s difficult to breathe stuffy airline cabin air. It’s full of pollen, dust, smokers’ clothes, pet fur and other pollutants. Now, to find relief, you can hope your airline will soon follow Swiss Air’s new policy. 

The European Centre for Allergy Research Foundation has declared Swiss Air the first airline to be allergy-friendly. The squeaky-clean carrier uses many systems to keep pumping fresh air into the cabins, as well as doing thorough cleaning of the seating, bulkheads, aisles, lavatories and other areas.

Traveling Seniors: Hey, Watch Your Step! PDF Print E-mail

The U.S. Centers For Disease Control recently reported a disturbing statistic. During this year, one of every three persons age 65 and older will be injured in a falling down accident. As a result, some 2.5 million U.S. seniors will require emergency treatment when it happens.

The solution seems to be obvious. Hey, seasoned citizen, watch your step! However, in today’s hurry-up travel world, the hazards of falling are considerably more likely than accidental stumbles at home. Here are some hints on how to avoid such disasters as you roam the world.

Hold On: While using escalators, stairways, elevators, airport moving belts, theater aisle steps and other potential danger spots, keep a solid hand grip as you go along.

In The Air: Always obey the instructions about when to stay seated and keep your belt buckled. When walking along the aisle during a flight, proceed slowly and grab seat backs.


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