

More Scalpers On Broadway Than At Little Big Horn

If your travels take you to New York, and you want to enjoy the traditional theater experience, be aware. Tickets to Bruce Springsteen concerts and other popular Broadway shows are beyond insane prices. According to BloombergMarkets, some scalpers sell them for as high as $10,000.

No one, except maybe a grossly-overpaid NFL kneeler, politician or phony pro boxer, can afford to pay that price. This expensive ticket offers about 60 minutes of a scruffy, aging millionaire on stage howling and strumming his guitar. Included at no extra cost are probably some sincere protest lyrics about how evil rich people exploit the downtrodden poor.

To avoid the grossly inflated scalper prices online, get your tickets as far in advance as possible from legitimate theater sources. They’ll still be high-priced compared to what you paid a dozen or so years ago, but unlike General Custer, you may avoid being scalped.

West Hollywood CA City Hall Halloween Window Scene PDF Print E-mail

With both election time and Halloween happening, you can create your own political and/or holiday descriptions to this photo . Could they be plastic Halloween dummies glaring out from reflecting City Hall’s Santa Monica Avenue office windows? Or are they even more spooky local politicians looking for votes?

Coping When Flying Confuses Your Internal Clock PDF Print E-mail

We’ve read all kinds of theories about how traveling seniors can regulate their sleep-wake cycles. Long night flights can disrupt normal habits, and there are ways to deal with the problem.

Some medical gurus recommend special prescriptions. For example, they advise you to take sleeping pills if flying at night. Too often, the prime benefit of the pills is to keep overpaid pharmaceutical company execs happy.

Of course, flying does affect you when it goes against regular sleep/wake habits. However, unless you have a real medical condition, there are natural ways to combat the problem. Here are some suggestions:

Prepare: Your body says sleep when you’re tired at the end of an active dozen hours. On the day of your flight, be sure to hike, jog, swim or hit the gym. Also, your body craves sunlight, so give it plenty before you fly.

Paris, France: Eiffel Tower New See-Thru Glass Floors PDF Print E-mail

Many of our senior career women readers are too familiar with glass ceilings. Now, travels can take them to sky-high places where they’ll enjoy glass floors and breathtaking views.

The venerable Eiffel Tower, celebrating its 125th anniversary, now offers visitors a high floor with a clear glass bottom that reveals the city of Paris 200 feet below. The millions of visitors who flock to the landmark each year can now stand and look down on the beautiful city. www.toureiffel.paris/en

Here are several other glass-bottomed attractions around the world:  CN Tower, Toronto, Canada: The see-thru walkway vision is 1,122 feet high, and first opened 20 years ago. www.cntower.ca

Skytree, Tokyo, Japan: At nearly a half-mile high, the world’s highest freestanding broadcast tower offers the glass-bottom Tembo Deck at its 1,148 feet level, surrounded by 360-degree views from huge window panels. www.tokyo-skytree.jp

Seniors In The Air: No, No On Bad Jokes! PDF Print E-mail

On a recent flight, a self-appointed humorist told fellow passengers he had Ebola, then laughed and said he was just kidding. However, the pilot wasn’t kidding when he immediately returned to the airport and ordered a medical team in hazard suits. Result: A planeload of frightened, frustrated and delayed passengers, plus the jailed jokester faces legal, possible criminal charges.

We’re aware that many travel4seniors.com readers have spent responsible lifetimes in business, education and the military. Along with that serious career success, especially with ex-military, there’s often a creative sense of humor.

Beijing, China: Visit The National Museum of China PDF Print E-mail

The building complex in the capital city includes more than two million square feet of exhibits. They represent everything from prehistoric archeology to contemporary Chinese culture, as well as other examples of the world’s art, sculpture and design.

Located next to Tiananmen Square, the museum address is 16 East Chang’an Av., Dongcheng, Beijing 100006 PR China. Admission is free. For info and news about current and upcoming exhibits, go to en.chnmuseum.cn


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