

TSA Body Searches To Get Even More Invasive

Now they’ll never fail ya, as they grab your genitalia! The Transportation Security Administration has increased its physical search procedure on air passengers. Calling it “universal pat-down”, TSA insists it “continues to adjust and refine our systems and procedures to meet the evolving threat and to achieve the highest levels of transportation security”. In other words, more crotch gotcha. So, on that next flight, be sure you and your intimate body parts are prepared for closer scrutiny.

Singapore Visit: Obey The Very Strict Local Laws PDF Print E-mail

Remember a couple of years back when an American teen painted graffiti on several cars in Singapore? He was sentenced to a well-deserved public whipping. If you’re visiting that beautiful Asian city-state, make sure to comply with all the rules, especially those intended to enhance the squeaky-clean image.

For example, you can expect the local police to burst your bubble if you’re caught chewing gum in public. You may not get a whipping nor a Singapore Sling into jail, but it could cost you a hefty fine. Gum is totally banned from import, city stores, personal tourist stash, and chomping it in full view of horrified citizens and officials.

Budapest, Hungary: Museum Of Fine Arts PDF Print E-mail

The travel4seniors.com editor’s camera had a wide-angle view in Heroes’ Square at the Grecian-styled museum facade. The enormous hanging banners advertise the current Rembrandt exhibit. www.szepmuveszeti.hu/main

Senior Air Travelers: Go Take A Flying Flu Shot PDF Print E-mail

If you travel by air frequently, and your busy schedule has so far this season prevented you from getting a flu shot, check out your next airport stop. Many major ones now offer in-station medical facilities, including quick flu shots.

As of this writing, they include Las Vegas, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cleveland, Chicago O’Hare and Nashville. In the New York City area, clinics are available at JFK and Newark. Other airports may also have or plan to offer the service in the future.

To protect yourself, especially during the heavy air traffic holiday season and winter, allow the extra time for the service. When you arrive at the airport, ask security where you can get your flu shot. Costs per shot can be as much as $50, or free for those with in-effect proof of insurance coverage.

Senior Sanity: How To Deal With A Frightfully Bumpy Flight PDF Print E-mail

Just the other day, an Air France flight to New York was forced back to Paris because the turbulence was so severe, it caused injuries to the pilots. Of course, the aircraft was also full of frightened passengers.

"Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy flight!" The famed line is from the 1950 movie, "All About Eve," snarled out in her typical style by the great Bette Davis. She wasn't talking about airplane flights, but more likely some flighty Hollywood love triangle.

Just Retired? Get On Road, Airborne Or At Sea PDF Print E-mail

It hits us all! You’ve survived all those slaving years with that company, retailer, unit, classroom, squadron, crew or other tough job. At the retirement party, you resisted the urge to tell them where to stuff all the cheap farewell presents.

You go home, relax, put your feet up, turn on the idiot box, watch idiotic soap operas, phony reality shows and/or grossly-overpaid thugs play ball. Ah, those happy sunset years! Then it happens. Maybe it’ll take a week or a month, but the inevitable realization suddenly slams like a door in your face.

Awakening: Is this what I’m going to do with the rest of my life? Before you panic and beg to go back to work, consider five instant suggestions on how to celebrate your new freedom with adventure:


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