

T&L: America’s Rudest Cities for Visitors

According to a recent Travel&Leisure Magazine article, the five cities in the U.S. where citizens are not too cordial to tourists are:

1. Los Angeles: That’ll be another $10 for your waiter, 'cause he really needs the dough. He came out here from Podunk to become a big movie star. He ain’t quite made it yet, but your contribution will keep him going a little longer before he has to go back home.

2. New York: Hey, I’m walkin’ here! You think you own the sidewalk or sumpin’? This is my Noo Yawk! Get outa my face, tourist! But first unload your wallet!

3. Philadelphia: Who sez Philly is the City of Brotherly Love? I don’t even like my sister, so pay for your hoagie and scram outa here!

4. Miami: Yeah, it ain’t the heat, it’s the humidity. I know we raised the prices on rooms at our dumpy hotel 200 percent, but ya know, it’s the season. And down here, the season is from January 1 to December 31.

5. Washington DC: Don’t ask me where the Lincoln Memorial is. Go find it yerself, tourist. I’m busy lobbying Congress to get a billion or so to keep my bank from going broke and to pay off more execs with huge cash bonuses.

Just kiddin’. We totally disagree with the listing, and have always found those cities welcoming to tourists with courtesy, great bargains and wonderful experiences.

Blush, Blush: Visiting Amsterdam’s Red Light District PDF Print E-mail

Guest Column: When we arrived in Amsterdam, our must-see sites included a boat ride through the canals and enjoying local food and beers. Also Reichmuseum, Van Gogh Museum, Anne Frank house and the Red Light District.

In De Wallen neighborhood, at the end of a long row of indoor-outdoor restaurants, the Red Light District is a very popular tourist destination. As you walk along the street, you see that the centuries-old buildings have large first-floor windows that are set out several feet, with glass on three sides. They are well lighted, and on busy evenings, ladies sit, stand individually and in groups, gesturing and gyrating to passersby.

Senior Travelers: Why Cruise Line Ads Target Us PDF Print E-mail

Of course, not all cruises are designed for seniors, but we are a major source for customers in the cruise industry. The simple economic fact is that many cruise schedules are designed for seniors, because older people, especially retirees, have the time and money to indulge in cruising.

It doesn't take super elaborate facilities, just basic fun, food, entertainment and a bit of luxury, to make senior passengers happy. And that's what cruises provide in leaps and bounds. Cruises are the ultimate, no-hassle vacation.

After the rush of getting to the port, once senior passengers are aboard, everything is catered to them. There’s easy access to comfortable quarters, dining, Broadway  style entertainment, swim, spa, poolside lounging, all within moments of their cabins.

It can be a boon for those of limited physical condition. Unlike most land and seashore vacations, there’s adequate time and attentive service for seniors to enjoy the full experience.

Q: How Can We Survive All-You-Can-Eat Buffets? PDF Print E-mail

My spouse and I have scheduled our first Vegas vacation. The great price deal our travel agent got us includes three free daily buffets at the hotel. We love to eat, and both are a bit overweight. Our doctor and family have warned us to go easy with the limitless food. What can you suggest? LMK, San Antonio TX

A: First of all, don’t deny yourselves a fun time in Sin City. You can always go back to the diet when you’re back home again. Eat all you want, but eat smart. Most Vegas buffets include all kinds of non-fattening foods, such as salads, vegetables, low-fat meats and seafood. Fill up on those, followed by fresh fruits for dessert.

Seek Senior Discounts Everywhere You Travel PDF Print E-mail

Remember the sad scene in Oliver Twist, where the poor orphan boy asks for more? Well, now that you’re all grown up and into your senior years, you should do the same. Many discounts and other savings are available to senior travelers who need only to ask for them.

You’re already taking advantage of senior discounts in restaurants, grocery stores, museums, sports events and  elsewhere. Therefore, when plans take you on the road, riding the rails, at sea and into the air, be sure to seek out and take advantage of all senior savings.

Senior Roadie: Make Your Highway Treks Easier PDF Print E-mail

One consideration for seniors who want to hit the road this season is the high cost of gasoline. Of course, the greedy oil producers are always seeking ways to make it worse. If you’re on a tight budget, consider adding passengers.

If two or three senior couples pool in one car on a long road trip, the savings can be substantial. The money will be better spent on lodging, food, excursions, entertainment and souvenirs to take back to the family. With four or more in the car, driving duties can be divided to avoid fatigue, especially during long night hours on major highways.


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