

Onboard ads add up to revenue for airlines

As if we aren’t fed up enough with the increasingly annoying ads flashing on TV and computer screens. Next time you fly you may find yourself surrounded by equally bothersome poster ads tacked onto every inappropriate inch of your airplane.

Spirit Airlines, Ryan Air and others are raking in millions of dollars from sponsors by displaying ads. Passengers will not only see the big ads, but also little ones on tray tables, barf bags, flight attendant aprons and every other space they can think of.

Bumped From Your Flight: What Can You Do? PDF Print E-mail

Bumping is the term for when a passenger is required by the airline to miss a scheduled flight. The situation usually involves overbooking, and all seats are occupied, or when more tickets were sold than actual seats available. It’s a common airline gamble to avoid losing money, because on a typical schedule, several reserved-seat passengers with tickets will miss the flight.

Bumping can also be an option, in airline terms called Voluntarily Denied Boarding. This happens when the flight is full and late-arriving ticket holders won’t be permitted to board unless some already-aboard passengers opt to give up their seats.

Cruises: Not Included In The All-Exclusive Price PDF Print E-mail

When you're booking a cruise, be sure you understand what is not included in the price. The ad may list it as less than $100 a day per person, and go on to insist that a similar top-rated hotel or resort vacation would cost considerably more. Most cruises are advertised as all-inclusive, and the boast that they are bargains is true ... up to a point.

Unlike all-inclusive cruises, the typical land-based vacation requires food, entertainment and other features to be purchased separately. Most cruises really are bargains, but those all-inclusive packages are not all you'll pay. Some features that may cost extra include:

Stella The Solar-Powered Car May Some Day Hit Highways PDF Print E-mail

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Marlon Brando sent up that classic agonized cry: Stelllllaaa! According to a recent Yahoo article, seasoned citizen roadies may some day call out the same word just as emotionally. However, it will be in happy admiration as they roll along without ever again needing to fill up at a highway (robbery) gas station.

The Stella experimental prototype seats four, and last year won the World Solar Car challenge race across Australia. It was recently driven successfully the 400 miles along California’s scenic Pacific Coast Highway from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

Solar Team Eindhoven, where Stella originated, currently operates from Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. The solar-powered cars run on sunlight that is converted and stored in photovoltaic cells.

Unfortunately, you can’t start shopping for one yet. As yet, they’re not more economical than gasoline-powered vehicles. There’s no current info about when they can be mass-produced, pricing, maintenance and other development steps. However, we senior wanderers can all hope Stella will soon answer our mournful cries for economical road travel. www.solarteameindhoven.nl

Senior Retirees Do Europe By Wheelie Bag and Knapsack PDF Print E-mail

Guest writer: Within a week of my retirement ceremony, my spouse and I were on our way, each with just one carry-on bag and backpack. I had experienced all the Pacific nations I cared to see during Navy tours of duty in World War II and Korea.

As a new retiree, I wanted to roam Europe when, where and linger as long as we chose. No schedules, no tourist traps, no pressures, no job that required hurrying back. We did it, and in our happy memories, these are the top ten cities we enjoyed most in Europe.

London: There are so many historic sites and sights. We especially liked the Covent Garden area of shops, cafés and street performers. London theater is the best in the world, especially if you can be at the two-fer booth in the morning and get two tickets for the price of one for that evening's performance.

St. Petersburg: The people are friendly, especially to senior American wanderers. The Hermitage is one of the most fantastic museums in the world, and we could have spent a week there and never get through the entire Katharine the Great collections.

Safe Senior Jogging In Unfamiliar Big Cities PDF Print E-mail

Many health-conscious seniors start each day with a hike or run. When traveling, you may want to continue the daily discipline.

Running in a new city can be an exhilarating experience of new scenery, especially in the early morning when the streets are just waking up. Heavy traffic hasn’t started yet, and there’s still some cool, clear night air to help make your exercise routine pleasantly healthy.

However, along with the benefits there are potential safety concerns. Some tips can help make your outdoor exercise in the unfamiliar city safer.


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