Senior Travel Savings: Mini Bar = Maxi Rip-Off PDF Print E-mail

Many of today’s senior wanderers can remember not so many years ago when the best hotel rooms cost $25 a night, and upscale hotel restaurants charged $10 for a steak dinner and all the trimmings.

However, not wanting to be left out of the pricing robbery of consumers by the oil and airline industry, hotels now charge ten times that rate for rooms and meals. Another trick way to get into guest wallets is the infamous minibar. The only advice you need about those little iceboxes is: Hands off! Don’t even touch the door handle!

Savvy Senior Tip: Travel Insurance Options PDF Print E-mail

When your travel4seniors.com editor first started wandering the world after retirement, one of the first worries was about travel insurance. After a 25-year career of writing ads and sales promo campaigns for a major insurance company, we were well aware of the need for anticipating the expected and unexpected.

As we booked our first post-retirement cruise, while the travel agent was adding up the many expenses involved, she just seemed to mention casually, "And, of course, you'll need our very comprehensive travel health insurance. That'll be another $250. (long pause) Each."

Oh, sure. We could visualize one of us falling off the ship’s gangplank, being hit by a Tijuana taxi or eating some tainted food and being hauled off to the hospital. We told the travel agent not to add the charges until we could check with our insurance agent.

Savvy Sr Traveler: Dress Smart For Long Flights PDF Print E-mail

Not many remember way back when commercial flying was a dress-up affair. Can you recall photos of glamorous Hollywood couples, all ready for their close-ups, as they emerged from their 10-hour flights?

For example, arriving in Hollywood from London, Sir Laurence Olivier and wife, Vivien Leigh, ascended the metal stairway as if dressed for a movie premiere. Today's air travelers are much less formal than those long-ago icons of the silver screen.

Tips For The Single Senior Sojourner PDF Print E-mail

Remember the opening line of the Rodgers and Hammerstein song, "You'll Never Walk Alone" from "Carousel: When you walk through the storm, hold your head up high, and don't be afraid of the dark..." If planning to travel alone, forgot those lyrics! For single senior travelers, don't ever walk alone, and be afraid of the dark.

The world today is a far more dangerous place than it was decades ago during your student days. Then you could backpack safefly alone just about anywhere. Places in Paris, Manhattan, Golden Gate Park, Acapulco and Marrakesh were open and friendly.

Senior Sailor: Tips For Tipping On Cruises PDF Print E-mail

While cruising is usually a fun, trouble-free vacation, many people who book their first sailing are confused or intimidated by the tipping system. It can be simplified by understanding what is expected and what voluntary choices you have.

1. Ask your hometown or online travel agent about current tipping practices and amounts you’ll need on the cruise line you’ll be sailing. Add that amount to your budget, so you’ll know how much tipping will cost beyond other expenses.

2. Tipping begins at the dock. If you arrive in a taxi, tip the driver extra if you get help with bags. For pre-boarding help and when you depart at the end of the cruise, tip helpers $1 or $2 for each bag. 


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