Senior Flyers: Wear ‘Em If You Don’t Want ‘Em Stolen PDF Print E-mail

Not an isolated happening, but interesting recent story from Fox News. A woman who had just appeared on a reality courtroom TV show flew from NYC to LA. During the flight, she was very friendly, walking along the isles and chatting with passengers.

As she was leaving the plane, the police showed up and hauled her off to jail. During the flight she had expertly swiped another passenger’s passport and bank card, as well as a flight attendant’s iPad, all recovered from her handbag.

Tips For Taking Your Cat On A Flight PDF Print E-mail

Before deciding to bring your feline friend into the air with you, first check with the airline. Get all the current requirements, such as paperwork, cost and confinement during travel. If you have the option of carrying the encased cat with you on your passenger seat, that’s the least traumatic for both of you.

First, some practice. For days before the flight, put the carrier in plain sight inside your house where the cat can see and sniff it frequently. Put bits of food treats inside, so the cat will come in and out the opening comfortably. Add some catnip-scented toys. If the cat is on meds, check with your vet about taking and applying them during the journey.

Senior Travelers: Why Cruise Line Ads Target Us PDF Print E-mail

Of course, not all cruises are designed for seniors, but we are a major source for customers in the cruise industry. The simple economic fact is that many cruise schedules are designed for seniors, because older people, especially retirees, have the time and money to indulge in cruising.

It doesn't take super elaborate facilities, just basic fun, food, entertainment and a bit of luxury, to make senior passengers happy. And that's what cruises provide in leaps and bounds. Cruises are the ultimate, no-hassle vacation.

After the rush of getting to the port, once senior passengers are aboard, everything is catered to them. There’s easy access to comfortable quarters, dining, Broadway  style entertainment, swim, spa, poolside lounging, all within moments of their cabins.

It can be a boon for those of limited physical condition. Unlike most land and seashore vacations, there’s adequate time and attentive service for seniors to enjoy the full experience.

Senior Roadie: Make Your Highway Treks Easier PDF Print E-mail

One consideration for seniors who want to hit the road this season is the high cost of gasoline. Of course, the greedy oil producers are always seeking ways to make it worse. If you’re on a tight budget, consider adding passengers.

If two or three senior couples pool in one car on a long road trip, the savings can be substantial. The money will be better spent on lodging, food, excursions, entertainment and souvenirs to take back to the family. With four or more in the car, driving duties can be divided to avoid fatigue, especially during long night hours on major highways.

Bumped From Your Flight: What Can You Do? PDF Print E-mail

Bumping is the term for when a passenger is required by the airline to miss a scheduled flight. The situation usually involves overbooking, and all seats are occupied, or when more tickets were sold than actual seats available. It’s a common airline gamble to avoid losing money, because on a typical schedule, several reserved-seat passengers with tickets will miss the flight.

Bumping can also be an option, in airline terms called Voluntarily Denied Boarding. This happens when the flight is full and late-arriving ticket holders won’t be permitted to board unless some already-aboard passengers opt to give up their seats.


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