Travel Tips: Make your Vacation Photos Memorable PDF Print E-mail

As an old-time travel photographer who used to lug around all the heavy equipment, I envy senior wanderers today who can get the same or better results with just one little digital still or video camera.

You also see immediate proofs of your shots, and no longer need to take your film in for processing. Instead of hours in a smelly darkroom, you just look at the little images on your computer screen, scan, edit and let your desktop printer do the job in minutes.

Doggone it! I was born 60 years too soon. However, in spite of all the modern doohickeys that help make photos and videos easier, the same basic rules apply on how to get good, better and great pictures. Let’s list a few.

1. Keep the source of light behind you when pointing the camera at your subject. It bugs me when I see photos where the smiling family is just a bunch of silhouettes while the sun or bright lights glare from behind them. Of course, there are occasions when you feel artistic, and you deliberately want your subjects to be just blacked-out images against a sunrise or sunset. Just don’t let it happen accidentally.

Should Seniors Explore The US Before Going Abroad? PDF Print E-mail

Visiting correspendent ELMcN, Chicago IL: I’m a travel agent, and want to do as much business as possible. However, many older clients ask me that question. Of course, it has no pat answer.

There’s certainly no lack of pro and anti opinions, and no right or wrong way to go. When we get older and opportunities to travel increase, each of us must make up our own mind. However, for various reasons, I advocate Americans should explore their own country before venturing overseas.

Summertime: Are Extended Stay Hotels For You? PDF Print E-mail

We have friends who live in the desert Southwest, where summer temperatures hit 110+ degrees for days at a time. They book extended stays of one or two summer months at hotels in cool mountain areas of Canada, California, Oregon, Washington, Utah and Nevada.

They pay from $250 to $500 a week for modest one- and two-bedroom suites. They say the secret for getting bargain rates is that they choose hotels in university towns. The hotels are not busy in summer, and drop prices by 50 percent or more to entice retirees to occupy rooms during slow business months.

Sr Travel Tips: Pack Absolute Minimum Or Less PDF Print E-mail

Guest Senior Editor MPL, Milwaukee WI: I traveled frequently on business for 40 years, and since retirement my spouse and I still wander at least once a month. After making all the possible over-packing mistakes, we have some very simple rules:

Unless you're sailing on a super-formal cruise or will attend a function at the White House or Buckingham Palace, take only basic, comfy clothing. Many airlines charge for all check-in bags, $25 or more each. They pile on more fees for those weighing more than max allowed.

Paris, France: Be Aware Of Potential Tourist Dangers PDF Print E-mail

Because of continuing terrorism concerns and labor union street demonstrations, senior visitors may find summertime Paris a difficult destination. Some safety tips for that city and all of the world’s other large metropolitan centers:

Before you leave home for your flight, check frequently with the U.S. State Department on the latest situation in the city. If the area where you plan to visit has experienced recent and ongoing violence, consider cancelling or postponing your trip.


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