How To Spot The Liars On Senior Singles Cruises PDF Print E-mail

Every senior who signs up for a singles cruise hopes for a shipboard romance, maybe as happened in the Cary Grant-Deborah Kerr 1957 movie, “An Affair to Remember.”

Some sailing singles do succeed, and as in ads for romance websites like eHarmony.com promise, they marry and live happily ever after. However, often under the starlight on deck above a sparkling sea, many women fall for false stories told by single, or say they’re single, senior guys.

Most of the fibbers are guys, but not all. To help you sort out phonies from the realies on your next singles cruise, here’s some advice:

Angry Senior Flyers: Report Complaints To Get Action PDF Print E-mail

Sitting in the airport or aboard a scheduled flight, we could face many problems. Not just everyday glitches about weather delays, mixed-up schedules and equipment repairs.

Examples: You get bumped off an oversold flight. A drunk sits next to you, and keeps drinking until he becomes abusive and/or sick. A woman in the next row goes into labor, so why did they let her fly in that advanced condition? Why is the bathroom in such terrible shape? I’m in a wheelchair, but they wouldn’t let me board early.

Hotel Room $nack$: Hike To A Local Store Instead PDF Print E-mail

Recently stayed at a nice beach hotel. Room rates were modestly high, with a lunch included. However, scan the prices of stuff in the so-called honor bar. Are you old enough to remember when a candy bar, bag of jelly beans and soda were a nickel or dime? And a beer or shot of whiskey just 50¢? Here they cost many, many times more.

Do yourself a favor next time you check into a posh hotel. Stop first at a local store and load up before going to your room. The prices of the store-bought snack stuff aren’t as cheap as they were when you were young. But they won’t be 1,000% higher, as they are in hotel room fridges.

Travel Tips: Set Your Budget And Stick To It PDF Print E-mail

While grocery shopping at home, savvy seniors carefully take stacks of coupons and drive all over town to different stores to save pennies. However, when many go traveling, they think nothing of shelling out $200 for dinner at a posh restaurant or betting $100 a hand at the blackjack table.

When taking a trip, it’s easy to get into the anything-goes mood and toss caution and money out the window. The excuse is: let’s have fun now, and worry about budgets when we get home. The smart travel industry always deliberately sets the scene for unlimited tourist spending. The mood is contagious, but there are ways to modify it.

Sr Traveler Advice: Exercise While Away From Home PDF Print E-mail

Many seasoned citizens feel they’re just too busy to do daily exercises when traveling. Some justify it by believing all the running around to meet tight schedules, catch flights and grab cabs are enough exercise. However, that kind of stress isn’t a substitute for regular, fat-fighting, controlled daily workouts.

Another factor that makes exercise necessary is typical overeating while traveling. Have you been on cruises, to Vegas or other buffet-crazed vacation locations lately? When all-you-can-eat meals are handy, you can go so far off normal dining habits, you could add up to a pound of blubber daily.


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