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Q: Take-Aboard Fast Food For Senior Flyer PDF Print E-mail

What’s the best airport fast-food chain restaurant for getting a carry-with-you meal before boarding a flight? KLB, Miami FL

A: Of course, there are always McDonald’s, Burger King and Taco Bell. However, airport restaurant prices for the same food are much higher than what you pay in neighborhood branches of the same fast-food restaurants.

If you have time, stop and buy your quick food at a familiar franchise on the way to the airport. Cheaper still, package a healthy meal at home to take aboard your flight.

Travel Hints For Physically-Challenged Seniors PDF Print E-mail

Q: My spouse and I are both seasoned campers and backpackers. Since retirement a decade ago, we’ve roamed Europe and Asia, enjoying every moment. Unfortunately, now both are limited by recent age-related slow-downs. We want to hit the road again, but how to we find out if that road will be safe for us? TRL, Buffalo NY

A: Considering your enthusiasm for travel, you should plan future trips to adapt to any physical limitations. Of course, you won’t be able to climb Mount Everest nor Machu Picchu, but there are many adventures still out there.

First, check updates on websites that specialize in individual and/or group travel for the physically challenged. Try myhandicap.com, abilityfirst.org, travel.aarp, roadscholar.org, flyingwheelstravel.com, accomable.com and many others.

Q&A: Rules For Seniors On First-Time Cruise PDF Print E-mail

Q: Both late 60s, we’re sailing on our first cruise next month. We have concerns about health and safety on the ship and when we visit ports. Can you give us a couple of basic rules? Jean P., Oxnard CA

A: Cruising continues to be one of the most popular senior travel preferences. A concern many people voice when considering their first is safety. Cruises are generally quite safe, but there are always things that beginners and cruise veterans can do to keep themselves safe:

1. Pay close attention to your safety briefing. Most cruise lines give a mandatory safety orientation on the first day. Don’t view this as an inconvenience, but rather as an important introduction. You’ll be instructed what to do in case of an emergency. Become familiar with how to get from cabin to emergency station.

New Retirees: Should We Travel In The U.S. First? PDF Print E-mail

Q: We both had long office careers that kept us from getting away from home very much. Now that we’re 65, free and empty-nested, we’re not quite sure how to start traveling. See America first or get right into foreign ventures. What do you suggest? Mr. & Mrs. PBL, New Orleans LA

A: There’s certainly no lack of pro and anti opinions on this, and no right or wrong way to go. However, if pinned down for an answer, we’d advocate Americans should explore their own country before venturing overseas.

Q: How Much Should I Tip On My Cruise? PDF Print E-mail

We’re booked for a big luxurious new cruise ship. We expect to pay a fixed amount for our cabin, dining, entertainment and all the other inclusive features. What about tipping those who serve us aboard? LMR, Santa Fe NM

A: Before you sail, talk with your travel agent and/or the cruise line about tipping. To make it most convenient, you may be offered a deal where a specific one-time amount is added to your bill to cover all tips. It could include your cabin steward, bartenders, waiters and all other service people.


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