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Senior Clean Freak Fears Dirty Cruise Ship PDF Print E-mail

Q: I’m a 68-year-old retired surgery nurse, and should be able to handle all situations. I read recently about a brand-new new cruise ship where many of the passengers got food poisoning and severe seasickness on the first voyage. Friends frequently invite me to join them on a cruise, but I always refuse.

After a career in hospital work, I’m still obsessed with cleanliness. Now that I’m retired, I’ve been asked to take a cruise with family. How can I do it without being a pain-in-the-butt clean freak? RLB, Scranton PA

They Shouldn’t Allow Little Kids On Cruises!! PDF Print E-mail

Q: OK, before I begin my gripe, call me a nasty old man. That said, I believe cruise ships should ban kids under age 12. I spent many years working so I could enjoy my well-deserved retirement.

I love cruises, but not when the ship is full of screaming, out-of-control brats who hog the pools, spas, buffets, passageways, elevators and everywhere else. Am I wrong with this mean old Scrooge attitude? LBL, Birmingham AL

Do We Need to Go Formal on Our Cruise? PDF Print E-mail

Q: We signed on for a seven-day cruise with our church seniors group. We’ve just been told everyone has to dress up formal with tux and gown for dinner each evening.

We know cruises are much more relaxed these days, and don’t want to lug extra clothes with us. It also means added costs for baggage checking, and the laundry bill on the ship will be sky high. We want to go on the cruise, but can we ignore the dress up order? DRL, Louisville KY

Would It Be A Bad Policy For Me To Date Her? PDF Print E-mail

Q: I’m a divorced, 66-year-old guy, and recently went on a San Francisco to San Diego senior bus excursion. It was very well planned, and we enjoyed great meals, visiting cities, oceanside towns and Disneyland.

Another passenger was a very good-looking single woman about five years younger than me, who said she had been recently widowed. We hit if off well, and since we both lived in the Oakland area, I asked her for a dinner date after the trip was over.

Single Senior Plea: Share A Cruise With Me, Anyone? PDF Print E-mail

Q: I’m a single guy, age 57, but look, act and feel much younger. I’m considering a two-week river cruise from Sweden through Scandinavia and Russia. It would cost about 40% less if I cruised with another person. I’d like to find a lady companion to share the expenses and cabin.

I’ve seen cruise sharing ads on websites, but it seems all the women are in their 60s and older. That’s OK, but not for me. I’d prefer one who’s at least 10 years younger than I am. What do you suggest? WRMcC, Evanston IL


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