Home YOU ASK - WE ANSWER Single Senior Plea: Share A Cruise With Me, Anyone?
Single Senior Plea: Share A Cruise With Me, Anyone? PDF Print E-mail

Q: I’m a single guy, age 57, but look, act and feel much younger. I’m considering a two-week river cruise from Sweden through Scandinavia and Russia. It would cost about 40% less if I cruised with another person. I’d like to find a lady companion to share the expenses and cabin.

I’ve seen cruise sharing ads on websites, but it seems all the women are in their 60s and older. That’s OK, but not for me. I’d prefer one who’s at least 10 years younger than I am. What do you suggest? WRMcC, Evanston IL A: Hey, WRMcC, travel4seniors.com isn’t a lonely hearts club! Seriously, we suggest you first search for a cruise companion from family or friends, trusted people with familiar faces. Romance is fine, but river cruises offer much more to do together than mating rituals.

Meeting new people online is always iffy. Many post photos and info, but you never know what’s fake, or worse, a scam. You can try it, but first respond only to women who live in or near your town, and are considering a cruise.

Arrange to meet in person for a drink, and to size each other up. Then, if all goes well, and cruise schedules and finances are ironed out, it’s off to sea together. Good luck in your search for a cabin mate.

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