

SpaceX May Send Private Citizens To The Moon In 2018

Remember when Ralph Cramden often promised his wife, Alice, a trip to the moon? Ralph’s threat may soon become a reality. According to reports, the agency that conducts missions for NASA, plans to send two private citizens on a moon-circling voyage next year.

While the passengers’ names haven’t yet been revealed, we can assume they won’t be seniors. They’ll undergo strict tests and training for the trip, and will be required to build up their wallets as well as physiques. Rumors are that the price of the trip to the moon  will be at least $200,000 each.

During the voyage passengers may hear Sinatra’s voice:
It was just one of those nights,
Just one of those fabulous flights;
A trip to the moon on gossamer wings;
Just one of those things!

Should I Take My Tux on a Singles Cruise? PDF Print E-mail


Q: I’m going on my first cruise since my wife passed away five years ago. We sailed together at least once a year through the 80s and 90s. This will be a senior singles cruise and I’m a bit confused. I’ve been told that passengers can wear anything they want, and it isn’t necessary to dress up. When my wife and I cruised, we always took good clothing, and on at least one night, we wore formal clothing. Just to satisfy myself, should I take my tux on this upcoming cruise?

Senior Memories: See This Year's Yankee Pre-Season Games at 1923 Tickets Prices PDF Print E-mail

Are you a fan of vintage baseball, a New York resident or will be visiting the Big Apple on April 3 and 4? If so, you may want to be in the stands of the new Yankee Stadium and relive a bit of history. There will be two pre-season games between the Yankees and the Chicago Cubs on those days. Team owners are charging the same prices for tickets as they did for the 1923 season Major League opener on April 18 of that vintage year. A limited number of bleacher tickets will be sold for 25 cents and grandstand seats will be $1.10.

Senior Destination: See Another Philly - Places Where Movies Were Made PDF Print E-mail

Independence Hall, Philadelphia
In publicity photos several years ago for the movie, "Annapolis", the midshipmen were all sharply lined up in front of an imposing building that resembled the Parthenon. Hmmm. In my Navy career I visited the Naval Academy many times and knew there was no such building there. Then it hit me. How could I not recognize Founder's Hall in Girard College? The school for fatherless boys in Philly had been my home from age six to 17, and I spent lots of time near or in the imposing building. The movie’s producers decided that filming at Girard in Philly was more convenient and cheaper than doing it at the real Naval Academy in Maryland.

Senior Romantics: Send Valentine Gift of Love to a GI PDF Print E-mail
Along with loving greetings to your family loved ones, why not also send a Valentine Day “I love you” note or useful gift to a serviceman or woman. It doesn’t matter if they’re deployed overseas or in a lonely post in the US. They’ll appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness. Considering the time snailmail takes to get through, you should do it right away.
Palace Guards, London PDF Print E-mail
Buckingham Palace guards

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