

Future Passenger Helmet: Fly In Soothing Gear

According to CNN, a new device allows passengers to block out all flight noise, and travel within an isolated space. Like a helmet, it covers the head and includes a pillow, as well as latest electronics for music, video, email and other functions.

Though not actually resembling metal head gear worn at King Arthur’s Round Table, it’ll isolate wearers from the annoying environment of today’s air travel. So, in the near future, when settling down in your cramped seat for a long red-eye flight, you’ll put on the helmet and peacefully say good knight. www.cnn.com/2014/09/15/travel/airbus-virtual-reality-helmets/index.html?hpt=tr_c2

OK, So The Economy Is Lousy. So Now's The Time To Travel PDF Print E-mail

It sounds a bit crazy to encourage seniors to travel this spring, because the economy may sink to its worse shape since the Great Depression of 1929 to 1939. But our theory is based on what an old general once said: "The enemy is at my rear, pressing my right flank and closing in on my left. The situation is desperate, so I shall attack immediately!"

The situation is similar today, and the tendency is for us to fearfully hunker down and cut back on all kinds of spending. We don't realize that all that inaction will do is make the situation worse. We, especially seniors who were poor kids during the Great Depression, and have seen many ups and downs in the economy ever since, should be the first to break away from the pack.

Should We Bring Little Kids to Our Vegas Anniversary Celebration? PDF Print E-mail

Q: We’re going to Las Vegas in a couple of months to celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary. Good idea, because I haven’t been there in five years, and look forward to the shows, blackjack, slots, buffets and all the other adult glitz. Trouble is my husband wants to make it a family celebration, and invited our kids and six grandkids. I objected, and now everyone’s mad at me. How can I make peace in the family, but still have my Vegas vacation?

Las Vegas at night

A: Do a split screen scene. That means, in a loving way, tell your hubby you desire the time in Vegas to be just the two of you alone in a hotel suite with all the romantic trimmings. However, emphasize that you also very much want to celebrate your 35th surrounded by your loving kids and grandkids. Suggest a site to do the family gathering on a different date in your hometown or wherever most convenient to all. But insist the Vegas tryst is just for the two of you seasoned lovebirds.


Senior Sojourn: Great Spring Travel Destinations in Great Britain PDF Print E-mail

O, to be in England now that April's there. Poet Robert Browning wrote it a century or more ago, and it’s still valid for the springtime senior traveler. Since our retirement, we have made frequent pilgrimages to the British Isles, where we visited many areas of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. On several occasions, we've roamed London for several days, then embarked from Dover to visit France and other parts of Europe. But we’ve always considered journeys through the British Isles our favorites, and return again and again.

Senior Traveler: Top 10 Free Places to Enjoy Doing Absolutely Nothing PDF Print E-mail
Boy at Grand Canyon
Old West Still Happening in Tucson AZ PDF Print E-mail
Stagecoach demonstration in Old Tucson AZ submit to reddit

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