Home TIPS Senior Romantics: Send Valentine Gift of Love to a GI
Senior Romantics: Send Valentine Gift of Love to a GI PDF Print E-mail
Along with loving greetings to your family loved ones, why not also send a Valentine Day “I love you” note or useful gift to a serviceman or woman. It doesn’t matter if they’re deployed overseas or in a lonely post in the US. They’ll appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness. Considering the time snailmail takes to get through, you should do it right away.
Soldiers in Iraq

Check some websites for information, suggestions and commercial products appropriate for Valentine Day gifts to service people. The sources include USO.com, americanredcross.com, americasupportsyou.mil, treatsfortroops.com and others.

Your gifts could include, depending on what you want to spend, greeting cards, homemade cookies, photos, DVDs, CDs, iPods, clothing, games, portable GPU, laptop computer, camera or hundreds of other items that will be received with thanks by those deserving young people.

Be careful not to pack perishable and other unstable stuff. During WWII when I was in the Philippines, my aunt sent me a big package. It had homemade cookies, chocolates, soap and cans of herring. Have you ever eaten fishy-soapy smelling cookies and oozy Clark bars?

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