

Boeing: From Driverless Cars To Pilotless Airliners

According to Reuters, futurists at the aircraft manufacturing HQ are looking to the future of air transportation. They claim they may soon be putting passenger planes into the sky without human pilots.

With small, controlled drones becoming common in the air, it’s only a matter of time before the drones grow in size until they can carry passengers. So, what could possibly go wrong? Maybe a couple of decades from now, when your flight is preparing to land, the cheerful automatic pilot will inform passengers:

Fasten your seatbelts as we touch down in ... beep .. click ... Atlanta ...  awk ... Albany ... erk ... zap ... Afghanistan ... urg .... Amsterdam ... umph ... Argentina ... theeek ... Antarctica...smoooosh!

Taking Grandkids to Disney World Requires Patience & Fortitude PDF Print E-mail

And keeping them in sight at least 24 hours a day while there requires eternal vigilance. Although WDW is squeaky clean and one of the safest vacation places on earth, you still need to be a super monitor.

One of our family trips to WDW many years ago, we had the horror of losing our three-year-old daughter. She was only gone for five minutes, but they were the scariest moments of our lives. We made the mistake of taking our eyes off of her for a moment after joining the wall-to-wall crowd on the sidelines watching the daily parade.

Top Places to Visit in Jerusalem, Israel PDF Print E-mail

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem

The ancient city of Jerusalem has been the most beloved, hated and fought-over city since the dawn of history. If it is possible to describe it without taking a biased political stand, it is worth visiting by people of all faiths, historians, tourists and seniors looking for their roots.

Of course, there are many more interesting and historic sites to see other than just a list of five. However, just as an introduction for those planning to visit, here are our vote for the top five:

Remember Those Who Serve in the Armed Forces PDF Print E-mail

GI group

For Memorial Day, or for any time for any reason including simple gratitude, consider offering your help to those who now serve in the Armed Forces. Additionally, many older veterans and their families can benefit from your support and encouragement. Our readers who’ve served in earlier conflicts can remember how lonely it gets in a foxhole, on a ship’s gun mount or on a barracks bunk. Or in a veterans’ hospital bed.

Destination: The San Diego Zoo PDF Print E-mail

Male lion

It isn’t too much of an exaggeration to call the San Diego one of the best in the world. For the past 70 years it has been the model for zoos everywhere to encourage evolving from confining cages to roomy natural living areas for the animals.

Many seasoned citizens have visited city zoos since childhood, and they can easily remember those of not too many years ago, featuring listless, miserable animals behind bars and small fenced enclosures. Yesterday’s zoos were prisons, where inmates endured life sentences of boredom.

One of the most heart-warming aspects of the San Diego Zoo is that it’s designed to allow animals to live as naturally as possible, with plenty of space for roaming and interacting with other compatible animals. At the same time, the zoo encourages visitors of all ages to find interesting areas to stop and observe without disturbing the animals’ lives. No longer does Dad have to say, “Let’s go to the zoo and laugh at the monkeys in their cages.”

Top Five Places You Must Visit in Egypt PDF Print E-mail

Ancient Egyptian sphynx and pyramid


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