

Greedy Restaurants And Hotels Use You As Spokesperson

After a meal or overnight experience, many senior travelers are inundated with online requests to post favorable comments on social media websites. Of course, that’s OK if you do it voluntarily following an especially good experience. However, the beancounters who promote those businesses now consider the internet a fantastic free advertising tool.

As a recent customer, your happy comments encourage travelers to patronize that hotel or restaurant. Therefore, when you’re being pressured online to write favorable words on social media, realize you’re creating free advertising without any compensation. Of course, if you have a particularly bad experience … such as bugs in your bed or flies in your soup … feel free to blab it angrily on social media.

Bottega Louie - Los Angeles restaurant review, new downtown destination PDF Print E-mail

Bottega Louie: 700 South Grand Los Angeles, CA 90017 (213) 802-1470 bottegalouie.com

Finally had a chance to have a sit down meal at the new in spot in downtown Los Angeles, Bottega Louie.

What to do if grandkids misbehave at Grand Canyon AZ PDF Print E-mail

Kids at Grand Canyon

Just kidding, of course. These two clever kids found a spot that only looks dangerous for the photo. In reality, there are potential falling hazards when touring close to the Grand Canyon's North or South Rims. Be sure to keep kids near at all times, and for little ones age four and under, hold firmly by the hand.

And you thought your bags were delayed on that last flight PDF Print E-mail


USA Today and the New York Times reported that the passengers who survived that belly-flop Flight 1549 US Air landing in the Hudson River in January will finally get their luggage delivered to them.

Nearly five months later, but considering what could have happened to them, the passengers are just happy to have their clothing and other personal items back again. Additionally, they’re getting a lot more than just some soggy socks, drenched dresses and water-logged luggage. US Air and its insurance company, to get off the hook from possible legal actions, have offered each passenger $10,000.

Disney to build hotel-resort near Washington, D.C. PDF Print E-mail

According to USA Today and the Washington Post, Disney will put up a 500-room hotel resort near Washington D.C. within the next year or two. About 15 years ago, Disney attempted to get permission to build a big theme park in nearby Virginia. However, because it could possibly disturb some Civil War battlefields, the request was turned down.

A Disney official said the new hotel will be "a family-friendly base camp, from which visitors from around the world can explore the stirring sights and inspirational stories of our nation's capital." Although the new Disney venture won’t have any of the familiar Disney features, we have suggestions for Washington- and government-themed attractions to draw in those world travelers.

Lest We Forget PDF Print E-mail
Memorial Day is for honoring those who have served and still serve today in all American wars. It’s a day to take a moment to reflect on those brave men and women who fought and died so we can live in freedom. Enjoy the holiday, and while you’re with your family, think of our veterans, brave friends and loved ones who are no longer with us.

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