Home NEWS Do you want your privacy (and privates) exposed to airport X-rays?
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Do you want your privacy (and privates) exposed to airport X-rays? PDF Print E-mail

Airport X-ray

Do you want to bare it all the next time you fly? A new security X-ray device, called the Backscatter, was recently installed in Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix. Much more sensitive than all previous scanners, it shows security screeners an almost naked X-ray image of your entire body. The device has since been installed in other airports throughout the US.

There have been many complaints since the device was used in tests, primarily because the X-ray image was too graphic for some sensibilities. Now, according to Sky Harbor officials, the image views have been "adjusted" to show less than the nude image. What will they do ... use fig leaves?

Officials add that only passengers viewed with suspicion following the usual primary screening will be asked to go through the Backscatter. If they object, they’ll be allowed the alternative of being patted down instead.

What do you think? Are you willing to expose yourself to this new airport security Peeping Tom? Or, like some of our strange friends, maybe you're looking forward to it!

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