

Snackless Delta Air Lines Hit With $90,000 Fine

The US DOT hit the company for not providing food during four flight delays. The aircraft sat on the tarmac for many hours at New York and Atlanta airports last year. And no passenger got even one of those tiny foil bags containing two tiny pretzels.

Don’t believe the rumor that a family aboard one of the Delta flights, called the Donner party, took drastic means to get enough to eat. They refused to suffer the pangs of hunger, and dined delightfully with fellow passengers through those long hours on the tarmac.

Enjoy A Vegas Vacation On A Tight Budget PDF Print E-mail

Gambling and glitz are a great draw to Sin City, but they're not necessarily the best part about a Las Vegas experience. Of course, big-time gamblers, called whales, find the best part about their visits to be the thrill of betting thousands of bucks on the turn of a card or toss of the dice.

Ordinary citizens with limited budgets consider the best part of a Las Vegas vacation to be the great variety of bargains. Luxury hotel rooms that cost $400 a night in New York, London or Tokyo go for $100 and less at top Las Vegas Strip resorts.

Travel Tip: How To Cope With Senior Moments PDF Print E-mail

There’s the sudden confusion, anger and frustration. Failure to answer a simple question at the airport makes some older travelers panic. There are ways to manage those unpleasant moments.

Take time to calm down. Anger only leads to more problems for you and busy people trying to do their jobs. Take a few breaths and review the situation. Ask for time to get your thoughts together. Don’t be abusive nor allow yourself to be hurried or ridiculed.

If you travel alone and find yourself experiencing more and more senior moments, next time consider taking along a companion. Realize that aging is an inevitable process, and your mental condition may deteriorate to a point where you put yourself into unnecessary danger.

Israel: Dead Sea Selfie Stick Swimmer Shot PDF Print E-mail

Your travel4seniors.com editor enjoys a sunny day of easy floating on the Dead Sea, featuring the saltiest water in the world.

Singles Cruise Dinner Conversation Starters PDF Print E-mail

The scenario: On a singles cruise by yourself or with a travel pal, both hoping to meet someone new and interesting. Tonight you’re looking your absolute best for the ship’s dress-up dinner, so this may be your opportunity.

Assigned to a table of ten, you’re in luck. The person sitting next to you is attractive and about your age. Now you cleverly come up with sparkling questions, all great conversation starters. Here are some hints:

1. Your first cruise? This can get some reaction, especially if that person is actually on a first cruise. Boast about your great knowledge of cruising. You’ve studied up to be an authority on ship features, port visits, entertainment aboard, casino, spa, pool, bars and which shore excursion is the very best.

Quote Was $99. Why Is It $129 Out of My Pocket? PDF Print E-mail

We see it almost daily in letters to newspapers and online travel sites. Seniors write angry gripes about being quoted one price for a hotel room, then when checking out are charged another 25% or more beyond the quote..

The desk clerks offer almost sincere smiles, and then list the reasons for the add-ons: city taxes, wi-fi, honor bar, pay TV use and several others. So, why the hell didn’t you say so when I booked?


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