

In-Air Entertainment Keeps Evolving

In 1911, just eight years after the Wright Brothers flew the first aircraft at Kitty Hawk, the pop song inviting Josephine on the newfangled flying machine was already on the market.

A decade later, an in-flight silent movie,”Howdy Chicago”, was projected to passengers on a flight over the Chicago World's Fair. Regular in-flight movies didn’t start for another 40 years, when the now-gone TWA showed them in their first-class areas in 1961.

Since then, the advances have been rapid. Video games and small bulkhead TV sets emerged in 1975. Individual seat-back video started on some airlines in 1991, followed a decade later with live in-flight TV.

Many airlines now have seat-back multi-channel screens that beam out movies, games, live TV and advertising. Along with those airline-provided items, many passengers now carry their own private all-inclusive entertainment, with laptops, SmartPhones, E-readers and dozens of newfangled electronic miracles.

With airlines continuously seeking new ways to make extra bucks, passengers can expect more innovations in pay-per-view in-air entertainment in the near future.

Should This Retired Woman Travel Solo? PDF Print E-mail

Q: After a 24-year Navy career, I spent another decade working in a defense job. I recently retired at 55. I’m in excellent health and plan to backpack travel. I want to do it alone, but family and friends are against it. What’s your advice? P.McJ., Boston MA

A: Our immediate reaction. With world unrest, terrorism and other troubles seeming to get worse every day, our first response is: Don’t do it! Consider joining a group backpacking trip. At least travel with another person. Enlist a friend or check with online websites that offer companion lists.

However, if you insist on going solo, be sure to follow five simple precautions.

San Pedro CA: Battleship USS Iowa Experience Is A Blast! PDF Print E-mail

Visitors pose in front of realistic looking combat backdrop of the mighty battlewagon. The historic veteran of World War II, Korea, Vietnam and other campaigns now rests permanently as a museum in its Southern California berth.

For info, go to pacificbattleship.com

Tijuana, Mexico: Stay Safe & Enjoy Your Visit PDF Print E-mail

The border town has had a notorious reputation as far back as World War II. That’s when thousands of Marines and sailors dashed south from San Diego ships and bases just 20 miles north. They went to have maximum fun in the anything-goes town before shipping out to the Pacific battles. Tijuana hasn’t really changed all that much through the years. It’s still a gaudy border town, and its main industry is to make money from U.S. visitors. There are great Mexican restaurants, music, clubs and bargains. Tourists can enjoy the picturesque beachside town as long as they follow these basic safety rules.

Santa Barbara CA: Zoo Giraffe Stretches For Salad PDF Print E-mail

Senior Sailors: Before-You-Cruise Checklist PDF Print E-mail

Cruises are great! You get to enjoy the luxury and all the amenities, plus some extras, of a luxury seaside hotel. Your resort at sea also transports you from port to port, for exciting new ocean and city sights every day.

When you plan a cruise, there are important things to do:

Official: Check early with your travel agent on updated passports and other documents you must have with you.


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