Air myths: You believe in the tooth fairy if you think... PDF Print E-mail


1. Airfare ad quotes are the exact amount you’ll pay. Forget it! When you buy, ask for total prices, which include taxes and other add-ons. Don’t be surprised if the actual price is 20-30% higher than ad quote.

2. If you arrive at the airport in time for an earlier flight than the one you booked, the airline will let you take it for free. Maybe in ye olden days, but not now, unless you’re prepared to shell out lots more dough.

3. Like hotel and cruise deals, booking airline flights at the last minute will get you bargain prices. Actually, the exact opposite is true, because airlines charge much more for last-minute flights.

Humor: Keeping airline pilots from in-flight goof-offs PDF Print E-mail

Cross-eyed pilot

Two Northwest Airlines pilots lost their licenses recently after they missed their destination by 150 miles. They were accused of not paying attention to their instruments and radio messages from air traffic controllers.

Maybe NW will take these suggestions in their efforts to keep their pilots awake and alert when flying:

1. To keep pilots awake, flight attendant does a slow striptease, and when the sleepy pilots reach for her, she slaps their faces.

2. Put an electric shock button in the pilot’s seats. It prods their butts if their heads nod off.

3. Have the pilots wear short shorts that tighten automatically if they fall asleep.

Tips: Make holiday road trips more comfy PDF Print E-mail

Flock of turkeys

Here are a few ideas about making things easier if you’re going over the hills and through the trees to grandmother's house by car.

1. Gasoline prices may no longer be the highway robbery they were last year, but you can still expect your friendly neighborhood gas station owners to jack up the price and gobble greedy profits for the holidays. Check local prices before you fill up, or go online to gasbuddy.com, where daily price changes are noted in your area and along your route. To avoid crowded highways, plan to do your driving between 11 pm and 6 am.

Ready to take the plunge for winter travel? PDF Print E-mail

Polar bear

Personal stuff first: Just as soon as my December retirement party ended, my spouse, I and our packed car hit the highway from snowy, foggy, humid PA and headed 2,000 miles west to always sunny, hot, dry AZ. That winter vacation has lasted every day for nearly 20 years. I’ve no urge to have anything to do with winter except to watch TV scenes of poor slobs slushing and sneezing through snow.

That said, here are some suggestions I have, and have experienced, for nice, warm winter vacations that offer both hot and cold features:

Some family members enjoy winter sports, and I do reluctantly get my snow experience about once every three years. I relax in cozy, warm welcome at Homewood Mountain Resort (skihomewood.com) at the winter wonderland of Lake Tahoe in Northern California.

Cruise prices are great, but expect add-ons PDF Print E-mail

Cruise ship with dollar sign

We just returned from an excellent cruise out of San Diego down the Mexican Baja coast to Cabo San Lucas and return. We had a comfy balcony cabin, great food, fun games and Vegas-style entertainment, for about $600 each for the five night trip. All were included in the price. Ya can't beat such a deal!

No real complaints, but if there’s a downside to such bargains, it’s because the cruise extras can be extra expensive. If you’re planning a sailing soon, enjoy the heck out of it, but here are tips for avoiding possible rip-offs:

1. Drinks: You get coffee, tea, juices and lemonade free, but soft drinks and booze are extra expensive. We paid $5 for Cokes and up to $10 for beer and mixed drinks.

2. On our cruise, there were buffet meals, hot dog/burger/pizza stands and the main dining room for sit-down meals, all included. However, if you choose to go to exclusive special dining rooms, an extra fee of $25 per meal is added.


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