Travel Trauma: What If Your Credit Card Is Stolen PDF Print E-mail

Of course, prevention of ID theft is a priority to wandering seniors. Before you leave home, study updated security info from your credit card company. While traveling, keep it and all other ID in a secure pocket of your purse or wallet, preferably one with a zipper or velcro tape.

When away from home and you have any fears that your credit card number or other ID may be stolen, pay in cash. This applies in city cabs, retail stores, sidewalk cafes, restaurants and other busy retail situations.

Las Vegas NV: How To Get Free Buffet Meals PDF Print E-mail

Food and everything else is free in Las Vegas and most other casino resorts around the world.  Of course, add the if .... and that is a huge if. First, if you gamble enough money in a hotel casino, management will offer you free drinks, free suites, free entertainment and, of course, free meals during your stay.

Casino bosses don’t do this out of the kindness of the heart, but only when you’re observed gambling for several hours. At the top of the freebee list, they offer deals to the so-called whales, people who plop down ten thousand dollars on a hand of blackjack or the turn of the roulette wheel.

Skip Heavy Luggage And Lug Everything Aboard PDF Print E-mail

Airline tickets aren’t getting any cheaper, and you can expect ever-increasing charges for checked luggage. Additionally, because of inevitable delays, retrieving bags after flights is always a time-consuming hassle. Consider an economic and less-troubled choice to fly. Take everything in carry-on bags, knapsacks and tucked in a many-pocket jacket.

Carry-ons require taking less. So, how can you go on that two-week luxury cruise without all the fashionable clothing for dress-up dinners and dances? Also, if booked for that trek up to the top of the Canadian Rockies, you’ll need all kinds of outdoor gear that couldn’t possibly fit into a single carry-on bag.

How To Find Safe, Cheap Eats In Unfamiliar Cities PDF Print E-mail

For traveling seniors on a budget, seeking reasonable dining isn't always easy. Especially if they decide to do their celebrating in New York, Paris, London, or other big cities, ever-rising restaurant prices could be way beyond their means.

A simple way seek bargains is to ask where local families eat out. Hotel employees, store clerks, local cops and taxi drivers will have suggestions. Also, savvy senior wanderers research websites and comment columns giving restaurant reviews before they leave home.

Tips On Taking Your Dog On Long Driving Trips PDF Print E-mail

According to popular opinion, a dog is man’s best friend. While that may be true under most situations, during some moments when a dog rides along on a road trip, neither man nor beast may feel particularly friendly.

Dogs are creatures of habit. They’re comfortable with everyday routines, regular meals and special places to sleep. They don’t like unfamiliar surroundings, sudden noises and other disruptions. So, when you plan to take Fido out for a ride, whether it lasts several hours or several days, first acclimate the dog to what’s involved in the trip.

1. Practice makes perfect: During the week or so before the trip, take your dog out several times for a ride. If Fido is used to shopping and other short hops, all you need to do is get the dog used to longer ones. Do it with consideration.


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