Travel Homework: Learn All About That Destination PDF Print E-mail

When making your plans, you need to research places within the city you can enjoy, fit into your travel budget and allow you to blend in. Do some homework before leaving home. Surf the web for the official city site, as well as others that describe lodging, restaurants, entertainment, night life and other useful info.

Look for ads, coupons and items you can print and bring with you that could get free services, bargains and discounts. Check out social sites that list meetings, exhibits, classes and other sessions to attend where you can meet and mix with locals.

How to Seek Out The Best Eats When Traveling PDF Print E-mail

Guest Correspondent Mila P., West Chester PA: The traditional way is to ask where the local families go when they eat out. Hotel employees, store clerks, local cops and taxi drivers always have suggestions.

That usually works, although a recent incident proved it could be a humorous error. When I was recently in Florence, Italy, I trailed a group of Italian students into a restaurant near the Arno River. Expecting the best in local dishes, I soon discovered the fare was Chinese. I had a very enjoyable dinner, but had to renew my search for authentic Italian fare the next day.

Sneaky Cruise Ship Charges & How To Avoid Them PDF Print E-mail

Sailing the ocean blue is a great experience. Cruises can offer a bargain, all-inclusive vacation in a luxury setting. Cruise companies entice senior travelers with all-inclusive fares, often $100 per person per day or less, for cabin, food and entertainment.

However, the reality can be much more expensive. Extras and upcharges really add up, and aboard many ships the costs could exceed the original price of the cruise. Here are some typical instances where senior sailors can get hit with extra charges and how to avoid them:

Top Ten 2017 Destinations For Senior Wanderers PDF Print E-mail

Trip.com just published its annual Rising Star list for the emerging year, and we agree it has some interesting names. They are in rank order: Adelaide, Australia; Havana, Cuba; Medellin, Colombia; Cairo, Egypt; South Padre Island, Texas; Bucharest, Romania; Malta; Bath, England; Stuttgart, Germany and Tblisi, Georgia.

Travel4seniors.com editors are not only very old, but also very old-fashioned. We took a poll of other wandering seniors, and here’s our top 10 go-visit list in 2017, not necessarily in rank order: Las Vegas NV; London UK; Paris, France; Venice, Italy; New York NY; San Francisco CA; Honolulu HI; Singapore; Miami Beach FL and Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Agree? If not, and you can boast a very long lifetime of travel, what’s on your kick-the-bucket list for 2017?

Airport Attack Lesson: Don’t Check Your Bags! PDF Print E-mail

It was a horrible moment at the Fort Lauderdale airport recently when the terrorist randomly murdered people waiting at the baggage area. The panic and police takeover caused hundreds of waiting passengers hours of delay, and in some cases lost luggage.

If anything positive can be gained by senior travelers from the tragedy, it’s to avoid carrying heavy luggage for flights whenever possible. Unlike many younger air passengers, seniors traditionally take more clothing, footwear and other bulky items when they fly. They dress more stylishly and change clothing more frequently. Maybe the time has arrived in this violent era when older flyers should cut back on the heavy stuff.


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