More Of Those Damn Scam Phone Calls Lately? PDF Print E-mail

Has it happened to you yet today? Ring, ring. You pick up the phone, and a cheery voice announces: "You have won a free cruise to the Caribbean!" Don’t answer with a favorite curse. Just hang up!

Many seniors, including your travel4seniors.com editor, now endure several of these hated robocalls a day. Some are recorded and others live. First of all, I will never understand why any sane person would respond to the annoying, obviously phony scams. Worse, how stupid do you have to be to give any personal bank or credit card info to the callers?

Be aware that it can get worse. The thieves are becoming more tech advanced. If you give valuable info, they can now record your voice and use it to fake a live call to break into your bank and/or credit card account. For seniors who get these robocalls offering free vacations, cruises and other fake travel goodies, there’s just one response: HANG UP!

Senior Drivers: Questions Before A Long Road Trip PDF Print E-mail

They’ll be considerably safer and more pleasant if you answer these questions before hitting the highways.

1. Is my car in good shape? Tires, spares, engine and electric system. Check all thoroughly with a competent mechanic.

2. Am I in good shape? Be healthy and well-rested before tackling the driving schedule, especially those that will cover long distances over more than a day or two.

Savvy Seniors Stay Healthy While Traveling PDF Print E-mail

When you stay at an all-inclusive resort or sail a cruise, the unending supply of sun, food and drink not only add pounds. It also makes you vulnerable to food-related illnesses. Keeping healthy while being inundated by all the temptations isn’t easy, but it can be done. 

1. Diet: Maintain your normal at-home healthy food and booze habits. Stay away from junk food, and have your three moderate meals (no second helpings!) at the same time each day. If you’re a calorie-counter, keep tabs on what you eat. If all-you-can-grab buffet breakfast and lunch totalled 1,500 or more calories, go easy at dinner. Just salad, cup of tea and fruit. Or make breakfast your skinny meal.

Retirement Home: House On Wheels Or Not? PDF Print E-mail

Senior Guest Editor MJL, Tombstone AZ: We’re happily retired now in a snug desert home, surrounded by tall Saguaro cactus and other seniors. Except for the Old West amusement park downtown, there’s not much change of scenery. But at our advanced age age, that lifestyle fits us just right.

A few years ago, when my working days were ending, we considered buying an RV. Not one of those cramped little campers, but a truck-sized luxury home on wheels. We wanted to travel, and having our comfortable home along with us was a fun idea at the time.

Senior Reminders: It’s Time To Retire And Roam PDF Print E-mail

You don’t need a date on the calendar to know when to start those sunset years. You just seek the right signs... finances, health, dreams, family and peace of mind. Let us count the ways:

1. Finances: The amount of post-retirement income, pension, savings, investments and other assets are critical in your decision. Their positive figures will let you know when you’re nearing the time to decide.

If you’re accustomed to comfortable living, adequate retirement income should be enough to allow you to let go without worries. The usual measure is that retirement income should be at least half of what you’ve been earning.


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