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Take grandkids for free on Disney cruise PDF Print E-mail

Disney Magic cruise ship

Disney cruise ship Magic awaits you and grandkids

If you're planning to ride the ocean waves, consider signing up for a Disney Cruise. Now, wait a minute before you turn your nose up. You’ll say you don’t want to be stuck with little rugrats getting underfoot everywhere you go. However, when you find out what Disney offers for both kids and adults, you may change your senior mind.

First of all, on many Disney cruises, kids sail free! That means you can take those darling grandkids at no extra cost, and share the fun while their parents get a week or two of relief at home. Isn’t that worth consideration for looking into a Disney cruise?

SeatGuru Names Top 5 US Airports To Be Stranded PDF Print E-mail

SeatGuru®, a comprehensive resource for airline information, picks its top five domestic airports to be stranded, when travelers experience flight delays. SeatGuru founder Matt Daimler says, "We've picked these airports because of their amenities and attractions designed to help travelers relax and be entertained and pampered during any unfortunate, extended layovers." Here are his choices:

United to introduce new crew uniforms PDF Print E-mail

1920s airline stewardess

Although illustrations for the designs haven’t been revealed yet, United Airlines recently announced that its flight crews would be wearing new uniforms by the end of 2010.

They'll be created by famed clothing designer Cynthia Rowley, who said she plans to design the uniforms for comfort and utility, as well as for contemporary style. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending to your tastes, the new uniforms will not be anything like the miniskirts, go-go boots and hot pants flight attendants wore in the early 1970s.

How many of we who are vintage frequent flyers remember the aircrew uniforms of the 1930s? The pilots looked then just about the way they appear today, with sort of military suits, brass buttons and Air Force style caps.

United lets you check bags all year @ $249 PDF Print E-mail

Stacked suitcases

Is this offer such a big deal? Doesn’t it already cost $25 to check your bags on each flight, so you’d have to fly United ten times within the year to break even. Busy business flyers may find it a bargain, but not necessarily the typical vacation traveler who may fly United only two or three times a year.

Whoooops! Different kind of greening of America PDF Print E-mail

Green face

After decades of seeing sick and drunken customers’ faces turn green and then decorate their taxis with barf, Chicago cabbies have had enough. They’re asking the city to enact a law that future in-cab sickos must pay $50 for each throw-up incident.

If enacted, Chicago will be the first U.S. city to make sick boozers and bad-food eaters pay for their offensively messy offenses. We've nothing against hard-working hack drivers, but the Chicago ordinance should also require cabbies to take at least one bath a week and not drive to O’Hare Airport via Milwaukee.


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