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Refund.me: Compensation For Europe Flight Problems PDF Print E-mail

In today’s ever-more complex air travel world, we’ve all experienced the frustration. Too often senior passengers are caught in sudden cancellations, missed connections, denied boarding due to overbooking and other unexpected problems they didn't cause.

In flights to and from Europe, many senior travelers have been left emotionally stranded concerning their rights, confused about effective ways to seek compensation. They may be familiar with laws that require airlines to meet their legal obligations in such cases, but can’t nor don’t want to do all the necessary direct contacts and paperwork. Help is on the way: Refund.me

Allegiant Air Has Wider Seats At A Wider Price PDF Print E-mail

The airline introduced the “Giant Seat.” It offers roomier space for travelers willing to pay more for added comfort.

On the first and emergency exit rows, six Giant Seats have 36 inches of legroom and are 25 inches wide, compared to 17.5-inch width on Allegiant economy seats. For more passenger comfort, the seats are secured in semi-reclined positions.

Allegiant charges $40 to $50 extra per flight for each Giant Seat. For more info, go to www.latimes.com/business/money/la-fi-mo-giant-seats.

Chicago IL: Happy 100th Birthday, Wrigley Field PDF Print E-mail

Just weeks before the start of World War I, the Windy City welcomed a brand-new baseball stadium. Then, it was 70 years ago in the middle of World War II, when your travel4seniors.com editor was at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center near Waukegan. With a bunch of other Navy trainees, we traveled 60 miles to see a Cubs game at the stadium named for chewing gum millionaire, Bill Wrigley. 

The Cubs played my hometown Phillies, and although many of the star players were in the service at the time, it was great to see a real Major League game. How many senior readers remember 1944 baseball names such as Hank Wyse, Eddy Stanky, Claude Passeau, Deacon Donahue, Andy Seminick, Putsy Caballero and Coaker Triplett?

The Cubs won the National League title in the next year, 1945. Sadly, the last time the Cubs actually won a World Series was in 1908. So far this year, they’re 7 wins and 12 losses. Good luck, Cubbies! You’ll need lots of it. For more information, go to www.cubs.com

Take Online Travel Reviews With Grain Of Salt PDF Print E-mail

The London Times recently reported that many glowing reviews about airlines, hotels, cruises and other travel destinations, are phony. Showing up on the web as authentic experiences from individual travelers, the reviews entice people to patronize the allegedly wonderful product. In one example, researchers found that false reviewers posted hundreds of highly favorable letters under different names to promote a poor quality, overpriced hotel.

Seniors planning trips do best by researching options personally, as well as by asking a trusted travel agent to recommend hotels, cruise lines and other options. If the agent values you as a customer, your chances of suffering a bad travel experience are considerably less.

Southern California: Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On PDF Print E-mail

Tho the epicenter of the recent 5.2 earthquake was 20 miles south near Disneyland, we were all shook up here in West Hollywood the other night.

For about five seconds, we could feel the floor wiggle as if we were on a moving bus on a bumpy road. As news items came in about the earthquake area, they reported no major damage, except for several water pipe breaks and merchandise falling from store shelves.

If your current travels include visiting the Los Angeles area, there's probably no reason to change your schedule. If worried, check with your travel agent about any delays or damages that could affect plans.


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