

Go But No Go For First Civilian Space Passengers

If you’re a venturous senior and and sign up to ride the first civilian outer space vehicle when it’s scheduled to fly in 2018, be warned. The company, Blue Origin, states that the ship, New Shepard, will have no toilet facilities aboard.

Ground preps and the space ride are expected to take about 40 minutes for the adventure. However, passengers will be required to take care of any private bathroom needs before boarding.

Senior Travel Smiles: Time For Some Humor PDF Print E-mail

Sometimes we at travel4seniors.com can get too serious about informing our seasoned readers about all the bad stuff that can happen to wandering seniors. Here are some lighten-up one-liners:

In spite of the latest GPS gizmo in my new car, I still get lost driving. Last time I tried to use my GPS, the voice finally yelled, “Hey, you old goat, I give up! Go to ask at the nearest gas station!”

When preparing to travel these overpriced days, seniors should lay out some your clothes and all of your money.

Consider your time is just about up when you actually look like your passport photo.

If cramped airline seats get any tighter, we’ll all be sitting cheek-to-cheek, both top and bottom.

My 80-year-old maiden aunt doesn’t fly anymore, but goes to the airport every day just to get body-searched.

You know you’re getting old when the airline revokes your mile-high club membership.

Question about new computerized cars that drive themselves: If a senior is in the front seat, will the car automatically go only at 35 MPH, and with the right turn signal flashing permanently?

Las Vegas NV: How to Eat Free in Sin City PDF Print E-mail

Recall Vegas of the 1970s and 1980s? That was when hotels rooms were $10 a night and buffets $1.99. There were also many other kinds of free deals.

Food and many other things can still be had for free in Las Vegas today if .... and that is a huge if. Top of the list is if you’re a whale (heavy gambler), you’ll be offered free drinks, free suites, free entertainment and, of course, free meals. And for the really greedy, free escorts.

Of course, casinos don’t do this out of kindness, but because whales gamble large. They plop down ten thousand dollars and more on a hand of blackjack or the turn of the roulette wheel.

Sr Traveler: They’ve Got To Pick A Pocket Or Two PDF Print E-mail

Touring in a busy downtown area in a new city is enjoyable. However, it can be a problem for some seniors. As a precaution, you should always remember Fagin’s advice to his young thieves in “Oliver”:
Dear old gent passing by;
Something nice takes his eye.
Everything's clear, attack the rear;
Get in and pick a pocket or two.

The best target for city thieves is a vulnerable older person. To prevent it happening to you, the rules are just plain common sense. Don’t allow the pickpocket to pick. When touring, wear shirts and coats with front pockets that zip or button down.

For your wallet and other most valuable items, also have at least one lockable inside pocket. Today, one of the easiest targets for thieves is your SmartPhone. While you're distracted looking around, unless you have a good grip on it, someone can quickly grab it and be gone in seconds. Hold tight!

Don’t travel alone nor in unlighted areas. Stay alert, and watch when anyone approaches to you, whether youngster or adult, with obvious intention to move closer. Before it happens, just turn and get away. Finally, before visiting a city with a reputation for pickpockets, check with your travel agent about current info on the scene and how you can protect yourself.


Jet Lag: How To Beat Fatigue On Loooong Flights PDF Print E-mail

Your travel4seniors.com editor has looooong memories of booooring hours in the sky. Some go back decades to rides in endlessly bumpy Navy PBYs and R4Ds, and shaky commercial 707s.

Here are ways to find some degree of comfort, even in the most cramped seat. Before your flight, stay awake and active for at least eight hours. That will tell your body to sleep once you’re in your seat.

Wear very loose clothing, take off your shoes and bring along heavy socks or slippers. Eat very light, and hold off on a full meal until after arriving at your destination.

Instead of taking sleeping pills that will keep you groggy long after your flight, drink some preflight and/or inflight wine or brandy.

Of course, the best solution to a comfy flight is an upgrade to a seat that allows you to stretch out flat. If your flight isn’t full, you may do your pity-me senior citizen routine to convince the attendant to move you up for free. If you must pay extra to do it, consider it an investment in blessed slumber.

LA to SF, California: Cruise It On Beautiful PCH 101 PDF Print E-mail

It's about 390 miles when you drive 101 from Los Angeles to San Francisco on the Pacific Coast Highway. It’s eight to 10 hours, with a gas/potty/dining stop or two on a no-delay roadway day.

Starting from Santa Monica's ocean front, PCH follows the Pacific shore, offering many interesting places to visit and beautiful scenery. There are Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Monterey and Carmel along the way.

About 90 miles up the coast from Santa Monica, Santa Barbara offers great seafood restaurants and pristine beaches. A visit to the 17th Century Mission Santa Barbara is worthwhile for rest and reflection. It was founded by Father Junipero Serra, one of many he established in early California years.


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