

Celeb Chef Ramsay Claims He Hates Airline Food

In a recent Yahoo article, the international foodie guru insists he never eats while flying coach. He cites lack of cleanliness, reheating of old food and other unhealthy practices by airline attendants.

Your travel4seniors.com editor, with more than a half-century of flying in the cheap seats, agrees. Also, the price of an airline meal has risen during those years from $5 (often free back then) to as much as $50.

Opinion: We Still Believe Cruising Is Best PDF Print E-mail

We keep hearing stories about people getting sick and other cruise problems. We’ve cruised several times a year for the past 25, and can honestly report that we were never sick once. Of course, it hasn’t been all sunshine and smooth sailing.

On several of our cruises, passengers and crew members were sick or hurt, and some needed hospital treatment. Most news stories don't mention an important factor when reporting cruise ship illnesses. Many passengers are elderly, retired folks who bring preconditions aboard with them.

We’ve also heard of instances when passengers were robbed on shore excursions because they wandered off the main streets at night into unfamiliar and potentially dangerous port neighborhoods. The same could have happened to them if they had ventured into unsafe areas of London, New York, Paris, Chicago, Tokyo, Rome or Los Angeles.

Hotel Staff: Sneaky Looks/Hooks Thru Your Stuff? PDF Print E-mail

A recent www.dailymail.co.uk report told of a hotel guest who set up a hidden camera. After he left the room, it caught a cleaning staff member rifling through his suitcase.

This can happen to any senior traveler, and there are simple ways to fight the unwanted curiosity, or worse, actually having items stolen.

1. Protect valuables, including credit cards, SmartPhones, jewelry and cash. Put them in the lockable room safe. If preferable, ask the front desk clerk to stash your most valuable items in the hotel main safe.

2. Travel with a lockable briefcase or key-lock pocket inside your suitcase. You’ll be able to secure valuables and personal items in your room away from prying eyes or sticky fingers.

Venice, Italy: Could It Sink Like Atlantis? PDF Print E-mail

There’s an old travelers’ quote: See Rome and die. Today’s phrase could be: See Venice before it sinks. It could disappear into the ocean waters, just as what may have happened eons ago to the mythical city of Atlantis.

Senior visitors who’ve been there recently when heavy rains cause the canals to overflow know the symptoms. Standing on benches is necessary as temporarily floods inundate the most popular tourist area of St. Mark’s Square. At those times, it may seem the disaster is already happening.

A recent report warns of more serious future street, bridge and building damage from the overflowing waters. If Venice is on your bucket list, enjoy it while it’s still afloat and its residents don’t need buckets. Feed the pigeons on the square, ride a gondala, and stroll the Rialto Bridge. Mix in outdoor café sessions with delicious Italian foods and vino.

For weather and other info, go to www.comune.venezia.it

Reno NV: America’s Historic Casino Town PDF Print E-mail

When you enter Reno's Virginia Street, you go under a sign that proclaims it as the "Biggest Little City in the World". That's true enough, because Nevada's original casino and divorce mecca was once the prime destination in the United States for gamblers and people who wanted to end their marriages and empty their bank accounts quickly.

For gamblers, vacationers, families and others who want to relax in luxury, enjoy live entertainment and eat great food, today’s Reno in many ways is just as exciting as Las Vegas. Additionally, it still retains its traditional Old West charm, is less crowded and noisy, and boasts four distinct seasons of the year.

Single Senior Traveler: How To Meet & Mingle PDF Print E-mail

We don’t usually delve into lonely hearts, but widowed and single readers often ask us for advice on that subject. We’ll attempt to comply here.

If you're willing to mingle, you'll have no trouble at all meeting people while traveling single. We hope you'll be overwhelmed by eager characters wanting to meet you. Your problem may then be to determine how to sort the good ones from the not-so-good.

If possible, take another single with you. A couple of guys or gals together are usually more successful. They have much better chances of hooking up at bowling alleys, theaters, cafes, cruises, bars or other places where singles in groups gather to ogle and mix.


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