Home TIPS Single Senior Traveler: How To Meet & Mingle
Single Senior Traveler: How To Meet & Mingle PDF Print E-mail

We don’t usually delve into lonely hearts, but widowed and single readers often ask us for advice on that subject. We’ll attempt to comply here.

If you're willing to mingle, you'll have no trouble at all meeting people while traveling single. We hope you'll be overwhelmed by eager characters wanting to meet you. Your problem may then be to determine how to sort the good ones from the not-so-good.

If possible, take another single with you. A couple of guys or gals together are usually more successful. They have much better chances of hooking up at bowling alleys, theaters, cafes, cruises, bars or other places where singles in groups gather to ogle and mix. For business or pleasure trips of more than a few days, the lone traveler has many options. If for business, you'll rub shoulders with many people with similar interests. Getting together socially can assure safe, pleasant times together.

If you sign up for structured trips, such as cruises and excursions, select those that cater specifically to single (or pretending to be single) people of your age, orientation, education and other common interests.

Personal safety should always be uppermost in your travels. With many parts of the world in social, political and war upheaval, you should avoid traveling to foreign countries alone. Whatever your plans, best wishes for a most enjoyable time meeting and enjoying new people.

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