

Airlines & Oil Cartels Will Be Hyper About Hyperloop

A potential air tube transportation system may one day soon make the journey between Los Angeles and San Francisco in 35 minutes. Great for passengers for convenience and tickets may be as low as $30 each way.

It could be terrible news for never-ending-price-hiking airlines. Even more painful to oil companies is that Hyperloop will operate on economical solar power and compressed air. If cartel monopolies think the current drop in oil prices is crimping their regal lifestyle, the new power sources could have them sweating their burnooses off.

More good news for passengers, the system will operate from downtown stations, making it much more convenient than need to land travel from isolated airports. If interested in the Hyperloop project, go to JumpStartFund.com For additional info, go to losangeles.cbslocal.com/2014/12/17/la-to-san-fran

Senior Sailors: Best Times Of Year To Cruise PDF Print E-mail

One of the most enjoyable aspects of being retired or ready to start your golden years is the freedom to travel just about anywhere at any time. Consider your options:

Cruise Pricing: Always seek out the best deals. Prices can vary greatly according to season, destination, location, itinerary, vacation time and many other factors. As with resort hotels, cruise prices are based on what are called high, shoulder and low seasons. It’s all a matter of supply and demand.

Pearl Harbor HI: WW2 Swamp Ghost On Exhibit PDF Print E-mail

The Pacific Aviation Museum now shows the restored vintage B17 bomber that was recently recovered on New Guinea. Named Swamp Ghost, it was shot down while on a raid of Japanese positions in 1942. All crew members survived and were taken to American forces by friendly natives.

If you’re planning to visit the USS Arizona Memorial, spend an hour or two at this memorial to wartime aviation. Address: 319 Lexington Blvd., Honolulu HI 96818. Entrance fee to the museum is $30. For more info, go to www.pacificaviationmuseum.org

Senior Traveler Warning: Protect Your Valuables! PDF Print E-mail

When wandering abroad during this festive season, as well as in big US cities, keep in mind lyrics from the musical “Oliver”. Chief thief Fagin told his kid pickpockets how easy it was to rob seniors: “Dear old gent passing by, something nice takes his eye. Everything's clear, attack the rear. Get in and pick a pocket or two.”

The fictional setting was 19th Century London, but pickpockets continue to flourish today on streets there and in many other cities throughout the world. Unfortunately, the words “old gent” and “attack the rear” are still true today. Seniors are prime targets, specifically distracted elderly tourists. If you don’t want to be a street crime victim, here are some simple rules.

Seoul, S. Korea: View From Four Seasons Suite Window PDF Print E-mail

Your travel4seniors.com editor recently enjoyed this magnificent sky-high scene of the beautiful capital city.

Flight Delays: Traveling Seniors Anticipate Troubled Times PDF Print E-mail

Tragically, the murderous terror attack in Paris won't be the last disruption to air travel. For example, if your schedules over the next weeks include landing into or flying out of Paris, expect extra tight security and delays.

Because of these situations, you should always include in your travel plans some alternatives to make it through as comfortably as possible. First, if you fly frequently, get the latest electronic smartphone features. As models get smarter, use your smartphone minute-by-minute to keep up to date on all potential delays, cancellations, schedule changes and other interruptions to your travel plans.

Anticipating times when you’ll need to spend unexpected extra minutes or hours in the airport, fill up your smartphone before you leave home. Load it with virtual books, movies, games, as well as YouTube types of recorded tv shows and entertainment.

Another way to prepare is to take items that give you as much privacy as possible while waiting. Bring noise-reducing earphones, sleep mask and a padded hoodie jacket. If possible, find a quiet spot in the airport to stretch out while you wait to hear the welcome announcement that your flight is loading.


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